Holly’s Heavens- Week of 9 July 2012
by Holly Hall
Weekly Horoscope
ARIES- You will certainly be frustrated this week and say exactly what is on your mind. You are ready to battle anyone who starts a fight. Pleasing a loved one is not easy. This weekend enjoy some home cooked food and maybe walk in nature, this will help ground you.
TAURUS- Just like that, you have lost your drive and energy. That’s ok it will return. Use this time to take a much needed rest. By the end of the week you will settle down, as you should. This weekend you are inclined to be one with Mother Nature.
GEMINI- Mid week you have an amazing conversation with a loved one. You may even take up a hobby. Basically, you are bored. That ok because a friend or loved one comes up with an exciting idea. And this weekend you launch that idea.
CANCER- Many people are annoying you now, you may feel sad and lonely. Nothing serious, just a little nostalgia, a trip down memory lane. You enjoy a comfy cozy weekend with family.
LEO- You will start this week low key, however by mid week you are feeling fantastic. A co worker becomes a friend, plus you are receiving many compliments on how you look and act. Your weekend is busy, with maybe a small road trip.
VIRGO- Finally the weekend is over, the Pisces moon energy may have you feeling like the victim. Putting you in a very sad mood. Venus in Gemini creates verbal tension with a loved one or friend. This week may not show any improvement. The weekend a few friends cheer you up.
LIBRA- You will hear some news, may look at buying a new car, and may be the bearer of good news for someone else. Great week to take a workshop or class. This weekend seems it all work and no play, a lot of hustle and bustle.
SCORPIO- Your energy is low this week, someone says something that really upsets you, you may not be able to shake off the anger. This is not a good time to speak your mind, as your ego is in the way. Write your thoughts down on paper and re read it before you send it is best. This weekend you but heads with another.
SAGITTARIUS- An emotionally draining Pisces moon weekend. A few memories from the distant past may leave you feeling alone. As of Tuesday your spirits are high and you encourage others to communicate and have more fun. This weekend you enjoy nature.
CAPRICORN- You may have way to much on your plate this week. you are feeling overwhelmed by all your responsibilities. By the weekend you are much calmer and in control again. Expect some news to burst your bubble, wait till 3 weeks from now it will change.

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