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Messiah Within

Messiah Within

A Guide to Embracing Your Inner Divinity

Written by Robin H. Clare

Messiah Within Cover

For two millennia, mankind has searched for The Messiah – sometimes characterized as a mythical being, sometimes a real person . . . even someone who has not yet arrived in our midst.   Messiah Within follows the ten year journey of Robin Clare, a Jewish spiritual seeker as she is guided Yeshua ben Yosef (whom many know as Jesus) to a knowing that The Messiah we have been seeking actually can be found within each one of us.  In this book, Yeshua reveals a life-changing process for each person to connect to their own Messiah within.   Yeshua shows us how to live from our inner divinity and engage in a new way of living called the Messiah Consciousness.  Yeshua invites you to step onto the path of Global Oneness and be part of a new movement to usher in an unprecedented era of World Peace.

“At last someone is writing a book about the esoteric teachings of Yeshua ben Yoseph (that’s his real name, in case you were wondering), intended for the Jewish people he loved.   Messiah Within makes us think about who we are, and our responsibility to the world in general. This, after all, is what the message of Yeshua is all about. He didn’t come to force us further apart, but to show us what we can be when we lay aside our differences and focus on how we are the same… the time is right for a message of such clarity. God speaks to you every moment of your life. Robin Clare was just brave enough to listen and write down what she heard. Now the question is: Will you do the same?”

~ from the Introduction by James Twymann, New York Times bestselling author of 15 books, including “Emissary of Light,” and “The Barn Dance.”

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To purchase this book, click on the cover, or visit: Amazon

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