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Oracle – Re-Creation

Oracle – Re-Creation


Since we are birthing the new reality, this is yet another step along the way.  Last month, June, was all about stepping into trueness and as you do that, as you become real, become more and more of the real you expressed, you originate, you create yourself anew.

Part of this re-creation is finding a sense of community with other like minded folks.  This is something that is growing within each of us.  Many of us have been on the path for decades, traveling relatively alone but secure in the knowledge that we were supporting the changes that are taking place and now there is more and more to share as we move to the union with others and the integration of our inner self-polarities.  This inner and outer union you experience as you move into the re-creation of who you are will create a more androgynous, a more whole being.  By processing and working with releasing the many lifetimes you have experienced, you are stepping into a new and powerful energy which will sustain you in all your efforts.  The force of attraction between those of like mind draws you to grow yourself and at the same time to support others in their re-creation.  Just one foot in front of the other is all that is required,  Your spirits, your guides, your angels and totems will direct you with Love and Trust as you turn up the volume and listen to your inner guidance, step by step.

As was said before, it is time to let the illusion of protecting yourself, the superficiality, the untruthfulness, the little white lies, the “affectations,” the “pretending” you feel or being one way when you are feeling another (being incongruent)…it all needs to go away…and now is the time.  Last month you may have begun and maybe it is only the beginning, but begin you must!  Step by step.  As Paularo ( says:  “Allow it to be easy…”

And so, dear Oracle readers, like the calm mountain lake, be still and reflect on the changing energies within you as you re-create who you are.  In this state, you can see to the depths and get to the bottom of things.  In this state you receive the immutable truths of life, so listen and sound out the truth, it is echoed back to you through your inner temple.  Stay balanced through this Mercury retrograde, give yourself space and time and have and allow clarity.  This balance will ground you further in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what so remember…all you need is love…it will propel you into creating yourself anew.

See Also
Passed On OMTimes

Let your mantra for the month of July be:  I AM finding the immutable truths of life in the re-creation of all that I AM…And So It Is!!!

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