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Radiant Jewel Within

Radiant Jewel Within

by Amoda Maa Jeevan

Deep inside each of us is a power so magnificent and so majestic it has the capacity to re-create our lives from the inside out. This power is found in the very architecture of our being and it’s available to us in every moment, yet we mostly miss the opportunity that is here.

We’re too busy complaining and blaming, we’re too busy avoiding the full depth of our experience by looking elsewhere for something to make us feel better about ourselves. We can spend a lifetime searching for happiness, peace, love, wealth or things to fill up the hole inside … and all the time we forget that what we seek is what we are. We are, in fact, already whole.

The miraculous power that can give us everything we need and want is found, not by searching outside ourselves, but by looking within. All the treasures we seek are actually inside us, as part of our true divine nature. All the love, all the joy, all the abundance, all the nourishment, and even all the success, are who you are not what you have. Beyond all definitions of who you think you are, is a luminous presence that is rooted in the eternity of Now. It is that part of you that is forever-lasting, unchanging, and as vast as the open sky. This unchanging nature of our essential self – our I AM-ness – is available to us at all times. It is that part of us that is always at one with life as it unfolds within our own experience. It is that part of us that simply is. It is our Being-nature.

Our Being-ness is that which cannot be rocked by the changing nature of external events. It’s that part of you that remains when everything falls apart or when you’ve been stripped bare of who you think you are. Whatever happens in life, whatever the circumstances, we always have access to our Being-nature when we are anchored in the unfoldment of this moment as it is, rather than being lost in the turbulence of the thoughts in our heads.

The greatest power we have is this ability to shift from our heads to our Being-ness. This shift is a soft but resolute decision to stay present with what is. It’s a conscious choice that opens the door to the power of Now and gives us the key to a life of clarity, freedom and  radiant presence … because this very moment is the only one that is truly alive.

When we make this choice, there is an alignment of our inner power with the power of the universe, and we come to know ourselves as co-creators of our reality. It is from this place that we can fulfill our divine destiny. It is from this place within ourselves that we can make all our dreams come true. True happiness and true freedom flow freely from our Being when we get ourselves out of the way. There is no limit to the ocean of possibility that surrounds us when we are anchored in the truth of our essential nature.

Awakening to the truth of who we really are requires that we exercise a “spiritual muscle” that changes our relationship to life from an ego-centered perspective to a heart-centered perspective. In 2002, I received a transmission that revealed to me ten spiritual lessons that re-activate our true power by awakening us to our I AM-ness. Each lesson is based on a facet of our true radiant nature and activates a specific quality, or power, that creates inner and outer change. Put together, these ten qualities become like a jewel that expresses our magnificence. These qualities – or facets of our inner radiance – are like the faces of a diamond; each face, or facet, is another angle from which to look at the whole. The differences in the angles create subtle variations in the view. But the light that illuminates each viewpoint emanates from one source and the full glory of what we’re seeing can only reveal itself when we behold the diamond in its entirety.

These ten spiritual lessons are inner actions to be applied to our everyday interactions. They call for intention and discipline, just like exercising our bodies; when we give ourselves fully to this, the muscle gets stronger and we change. We start to see the world with new eyes and we relate from an authentically awakened space within our hearts. By changing how we see things, we change how we experience things, and so we change how we do things. Action that arises out of our being-nature is in sync with the symphony of existence and is far more powerful than any act that comes from our egoic-nature. This “awakened action” is like an arrow of certainty that shoots towards our highest destiny and   unlocks the intelligence of divine plan. It’s the only way that ever-lasting positive inner and outer change can happen.

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My invitation is that you have the courage to dive deep inside to discover the truth of your radiant nature … because only an awakened being can truly bring light to the world.

The Ten Spiritual Lessons are outlined in my book CHANGE YOUR LIFE, CHANGE YOUR WORLD: Ten Spiritual Lessons for a New Way of Being and Living (Watkins Publishing, released May 2012). Each lesson in the book contains insights for contemplation, actions to take on a daily basis, and declarations.

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Amoda Maa Jeevan is a leading light and a powerful feminine voice in the new consciousness movement. A spiritual teacher and author of How to Find God in Everything and the currently-released Change Your Life, Change Your World: Ten Spiritual Lessons for a New Way of Being and Living, she offers her Radical Awakening teaching to a growing global audience. She is also the founder of the Foundation for Conscious Change, a non-profit organization dedicated to personal and planetary awakening. For more info, please visit:

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