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The Deeper Spiritual Meaning of Cancer

The Deeper Spiritual Meaning of Cancer

Robert Schwartz is a counselor and hypnotherapist who helps people to heal by understanding their life plan.

Recently, a woman wrote in with the following question…

soul-choices I am a breast cancer “survivor” in her fifties.  I put the word “survivor” in quotes because I think of myself as so much more than that.  In many respects, the cancer turned out to be a gift.  Not long ago, I had a double mastectomy.  So many women experience breast cancer; so many people experience other forms of cancer.  Can you shed some light on the spiritual meaning of such an experience?  Did I plan this?

                            Sincerely,  Doris

Whether you planned the experience of breast cancer depends upon your definition of the word “planned.” In my research for my books Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born and Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, I found that the planning our souls do is vast and encompasses most of the consequences of the decisions we make while in body. Some experiences are planned as very high probabilities, while others are planned as possibilities that may or may not occur depending upon our choices.

To get a sense of the probability with which you planned the cancer, I asked medium Corbie Mitleid to channel your soul. The words below come directly from your own Higher Self.

“This soul [Doris] has had a fear of its own power and—these days we will call it—a fear of success,” declared Doris’s Higher Self. “The combination of the two can be very difficult. This spirit has more of a challenge within a female structure than a male structure. When housed in a male body [in past lives], it was on most occasions rather graphically macho, civilized to a greater or lesser degree, but definitely believing the male is superior. As a result there has been difficult sexual karma on both sides of the equation. When in a male body, women are not respected or given equality. When in a female body, sexuality is often the first line of defense—sex as weapon, sex as bargaining chip.

“During this life, we presented opportunities to trip triggers. The physical form is exaggeratedly female. The planned situation with the mother-daughter monad was that of a mother who was very jealous of her daughter and presented a test by accusing the daughter before she had lost her virginity of being of loose morals. At that point, the door could have swung either way. This spirit could have proved the mother wrong and stayed virginal for many years. Or, as she did, she believed that her mother must know something about her that she did not. From that point in her life, she set herself up with sexuality as the bargaining chip and often the sole commodity of which she felt she had control.

“Because of that situation, her self-image was extremely toxic. This then set up the secondary test in terms of power and success. She believed that she was unable to do anything that did not have sexuality as its basis and be a success. We expressed the cancer as a focal point of what occurs when one refuses correct sexual energy.

“This personality knew that it was not to die from the first incident of cancer and therefore went through surgery and radiation with little if any fear. But the self-loathing and difficulties with self-image were not resolved. Therefore, we brought about a second bout of cancer, which caused a crisis of faith, but yet was walked through.

“When the self-loathing was then compounded with aging, while at the same time her teaching had come to fruition and she was embarking on her life’s work, it was decided that the objects of derision, pain, and self-loathing were best removed so that she could continue her work unencumbered. Therefore, she received the [second] diagnosis, at which point the physician felt that removal of the breasts was the wisest course of action. The response to this has been extremely positive, and we are pleased.”

“Am I correct,” I asked Doris’s soul, “in understanding that the lessons Doris could have learned to prevent the breast cancer are self-love and correct use of sexual energy?”

“That is correct. And also the element of accepting the female form without judgment.”

“What things were planned into her life that could have taught those three lessons and prevented the cancer?”

“The key incident was the episode with her alcoholic mother at the age of sixteen. At that point karma was neutral. But when she accepted her mother’s definition of her as a whore and worth nothing further, then she walked onto the more known path. She did not attempt to see if her mother would have been incorrect.”

“Was that incident something that was planned with the mother’s soul prior to birth?”


“When this lifetime was being planned, why did you choose those three lessons to work on?” I inquired.

“This soul has many good qualities as a teacher, as a leader. But as we explained, when this soul is in a male incarnation, sexuality is often used to dismiss those with whom it is not at parity. The lack of self-love is a more minor threat that when in the male incarnation does not often come up for discussion. We wish to ensure that karmic threads are completed within the next three to four lifetimes. Therefore, this life was packed rather full.”

“What would you say to someone who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, does not see a deeper spiritual meaning, and is wondering, ‘Why would God do something like this to me?’”

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“All is choice. All is perception. This is not to say that the personality has no right to feel fear or grief, but all that is given, even the most difficult, has within it profound seeds of understanding and beauty. The experience of breast cancer may heighten the senses, may bring people into the life that would not have been there had they remained healthy, may perhaps awaken talent and strength they did not know they had. If one sees cancer as a cruelty, then one cannot overcome. One is already defeated. If one can look at the cancer in a neutral fashion the way one can look at fire positively or negatively or neutrally, one is better equipped to hear the lesson that is being articulated.

“Illness is dis-ease. It is a final manifestation of emotional or mental difficulties. It is simply another layer of learning.

“There is no fault involved. This is no punishment. This is no sign of lack of love on the part of God, your guide, or your angels. This is part of the human existence, as are the need for sleep, hot, and cold. As humanity learns to express itself on a higher vibrational level, illness will no longer serve a purpose and therefore will diminish.”

“Thank you for talking with me today,” I concluded.

“Thank you for allowing us to teach in another venue,” replied Doris’s soul. “You are complete. We are complete.”

Doris, your soul utilized the breast cancer as a catalyst to greater self-love. When we understand that our greatest challenges are both planned and rich with meaning, we empower ourselves to release any feelings of victimization we may have. You have been blessed to learn the specific purpose this challenge has in your life. But even when we do not know the purpose of a particular challenge, we can at least be sure that deep purpose is there.

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Robert Schwartz  is the author of two best-selling books, Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born and Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born. Visit Robert online at:

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