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The Divine Mother Unfolds Her Secrets

The Divine Mother Unfolds Her Secrets

We are all babies in the hands of the Divine Mother.  She is gradually unfolding Her secrets as we open ourselves in innocent prayers and meditation to calm ourselves in the midst of inimical vibrations.  She gives whatever is needed to whet our appetite for more of the Mother and Her Divine Play.  It is all the play of Shakti (primordial cosmic energy).

Who are we, but a packed bundle of Mother’s Shakti?  What belongs to us?  Not of course our body, or our belongings, and definitely not our ego, then what?  Only our self, the all-witnessing self that hides beneath layers of selves, the self that ranges from the gross external garment of the body to the finest and subtlest intellect and prana (life force).  Beyond, all that mind and intelligence can ever fathom is the Reality beyond duality, the ultimate ground of unity, which physicists call the Unified Field of Energy.

Sages of the East saw what is now called the Unified Field of Energy as the ultimate ground that unifies all diverse manifestations into a magically woven fabric of oneness.  They called it Brahman.  They said, you and I are not different, though we look different on the surface, because we are made of the same stuff as Brahman, the Unified Field of Consciousness.  Brahman, as the Vedas define, is not the Indian caste that it is often misconstrued as, but is the Divine Spirit within, the perfect, immaculate divine spirit, a whole in itself.

Whoever understands the play of the Divine in everything in this world, knows that it is ultimately no matter in play, but non-matter, the Energy, Shakti in play in Her infinite ways.  Who are we?  Are we solid bones and this wonderful structure that we see and identify with, this body, and the innumerable material stuff of the manifested world?  Or are we something that we can’t see and can’t perceive; the play of the field of Energy beyond the comprehension of the most successful scientists?  Science every day is coming closer and closer to this abstract reality, close to the non-matter we all are made of.

The more resigned we are to this Divine, the wider we see beyond the veil of commonsense and understanding, and the more the Divine reveals its mysteries as a loving mother who teaches her baby to walk.  The love of mother helps the baby to stand on her own.

The Divine becomes knowable to the one who tries to see It NOT by dissecting It, but by uniting, by harmonizing the dissipated energy of the mind through meditation.  Then when the mind gets the prowess of a laser beam, then the Mother unveils Herself and the mysterious DOOR is open.  This opening is not a product of research, but a gift of Revelation.

Albert Einstein, the great scientist said it beautifully, “Everything is determined by Forces over which we have no control, and that we all dance to a mysterious tune intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.”  For the material scientists, this is a mysterious power.  But for the scientists of life, the yogis, rishis, and enlightened sages, this is Pure Consciousness, to whom it is revealed as the essence of the very existence.

It is such a joy to know that we are not the children of original sin, but the children of Original Pure Consciousness.  In that supreme state of oneness, they proclaimed ” AhamBrahmasmi,” which means, “I am Brahman, I am inseparable from God stuff.”  Jesus also proclaimed, “I and my Father are one and the same.”  Not Jesus alone, but every human on earth is eternally One with Brahman, or the Father.  However, being veiled with the ignorance of ego and body identification, we fail to recognize it.

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As a child of the Divine Mother, you glow just because the molecules and atoms of your body accept the supremacy of the Divine in every stage of life.  You receive a gift from the Mother, you are happy, maybe a little more happy, but if you don’t get what you expect you are NO less happy.  This is the glow of your Pure Consciousness.

All our mundane struggles of daily life, all our experiences of the ebbs and tides, are but our marathon walk toward one point – that point where we will finally say “Oh! Mother, Reveal Thyself through Your Divine Grace alone, for all my efforts shoot from my ego, and your energy field is beyond its reach, your energy field is available only through the infinite field of Your Grace.  Your Grace, the only reality.”

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