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The POWER of Your Purchasing Dollars

The POWER of Your Purchasing Dollars

By DeZengo Moore

Previously discussed, the four most important freedoms that needed to sustain life.  At a basic level we all need clean / toxin free oxygen, water, food and sustainable energy.   Now a few more of the outer circle of importance, but still of a necessity for change and in this space, we believe freedom does take work and in truth, it’s not really FREE at all.  There is always a cost to the individual or society in any choice that is made.   Those who are in positions of power, wealth and authority may have the ability to change things if they wanted – but what would be the motivation in change when there is so much money being made as it is?  The only reason corporations or governments change is because the people demand it!  We don’t have to have a government cue to take control of where we spend our dollars!  A few thoughts below on areas and freedoms that we can attain through the POWER of our Purchasing Dollars!

Demand Eco-Friendly Everything

The time and technology is such that we can begin reducing, reusing and demanding that corporations begin to take bolder step toward social responsibility.    Without bashing corporations, although they make it so easy some times, we prefer to start where we are and look toward the future.   Consumers should not have to fear that a product they purchase for consumption, to wear, health care, beauty, within the home, in a car, on our plants, in our sky is poisonous to us.   If our government or the corporations creating the products do not take an interest in the products that are harmful to us, then maybe it’s time “we” did!   Here are a few ideas on how to become a responsible consumer.

See Also

  1.  Don’t be afraid to read labels.  You learn a lot when you find out what chemicals are in a product you consume, wear or use.   As an example, aluminum is in anti-deodorant and is related to cancer.  Most consumers are unaware when purchasing these products.  Fluoride, a toxic chemical byproduct from nuclear war has been added to water supplies and toothpaste and this is even after it has been found harmful if swallowed.
  2. Ask Questions about Products.  Stupid is as stupid does, and it is pretty stupid to blindly accept what we are told without questioning and performing due diligence.  We are no longer children that need to be protected from our self.   Asking the questions in such a way you will get a truthful answer – now that is the tricky part.
  3. Make the Switch Back to Nature.   Find natural pesticides or pick the bugs off by hand.  Buy Locally grown produce and for those who have not made the complete switch to vegan,  only shop from those who treat the animals in a humane fashion and allow them to be range fed.  Grow your own garden.  Getting your hands dirty is a lot more fun than you think.
  4. Recycle Everything.  If it comes in your home, try to always think of additional shelf life for items.  After using baby food jars, they can be used for crafty ideas.  Some spaghetti manufactures use canning jars, thus allowing the consumer to reuse their bottles.  Ask manufactures to cut waste from food packaging.  Buy in bulk when possible.
  5. Get Healthy and Put the Medical Industry out of Business.  Without a doubt one of the ironies of the free world, is that the United States with all her wealth and blessings could not provide healthcare to her legal residents.    Of course remember, free does not really mean without a cost to you or us as a collective.   The proverbial saying, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” is appropriate here.  Since we cannot BEAT them at the game they created, why not take the power away by reclaiming our power and our health!

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