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There is a Strategy to Everything – Choose One!

There is a Strategy to Everything – Choose One!

By Tammra Broughton

It’s true, maybe you have heard this expression before that, “How we do something is how we do everything.” It’s also true that this can be changed, but it is highly unlikely this is going to happen on a conscious level overnight. The best thing we can do is look at HOW we do something – this is called our “strategy”. How about being happy, is there a strategy to that? If you are unhappy, let me ask you, how do you “do” your unhappiness? Let’s look at this more closely…

Someone who is happy might have a way that they go about it. The first thing they might do is think about what they are grateful for when they go to bed and also when they wake up. A happy person may also have scheduled breaks in their Day-Timer where they include things like meditations, yoga, or exercise. Would you agree with me that they have a strategy going on here – a bit of a practice and routine maybe?

Perhaps a person who is unhappy has a similar strategy that looks like this: They wake up thinking about their problems and who might be to blame for them, they might not want to talk to anyone, they don’t really know what their day looks like and fly by the seat of their pants and they might never make any plans to go out with their spouse or friends.

Let’s look at someone who displays vibrant health. Their day might be something like this: Upon waking up they say or do something positive right away like having positive affirmation cards nearby. Then they might make a healthy breakfast shake and then go for a walk or run. They likely enjoy what they do for a living, or run their own business, sharing their passion. I could see that this strategy might make for a healthy vibrant life, wouldn’t you?

Alright, now let’s look at someone who is unhealthy: they might wake up groggy and walk straight to the coffee pot before eating any real food in their belly. Then, they might turn on their computer and see the news, only to find out the world is going to hell in a handbag, so why bother taking care of themselves?  Then off to a job they hate, forgetting to eat breakfast only to crash before lunch and then eat a fast food lunch that leaves them feeling guilty and unsatisfied…

Ok, ok, so it seems obvious right? Just change the habits and all will be well. Well, I wish it were that easy. I believe, the very first step is to simply become conscious that you have a strategy. A strategy to being sick, a strategy to being unhappy, a strategy to being and staying broke, lonely, stuck or stressed.

See Also

The first step is to acknowledge and accept that YOU are the one doing it to yourself and that you have a choice to change it. From there choose only one thing to change for 30 days. Make it easy to achieve. If it’s for health and happiness, choose to wake up doing something positive or eat something healthy, you can still have your coffee and maybe one day that will change too, but for the next 30 days it’s just this one thing.  Keep practicing this one thing for 30 days until it becomes automatic. The question is, what is that one thing for you, and are you willing to accept that you can change it right now?

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