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5 Steps to Save Your Marriage with Feng Shui

5 Steps to Save Your Marriage with Feng Shui


Save Your Marriage with Feng Shui

By Ken Lauher

In challenging economic times, divorce rates tend to fall. Divorce can be an expensive proposition, and it’s true that two can live less expensively than one, which may lead couples to stay together – unhappy. In stressful times, although divorce rates may go down, that doesn’t mean married couples are happier. If you’re struggling in your marriage right now, perhaps due to outside factors such as job loss or credit card debt, or because of personality conflicts or other reasons, some basic Feng Shui principles may be able to help.

The first step is to analyze the Marriage, Family & Relationship trigram of the  to see what insight it may provide in to the state of your union. The marriage trigram is located in the back right corner of your home, when you are standing at the front door and looking in. (Helpful hint: It’s directly opposite the Wealth trigram in the Feng Shui Ba Gua, in the back portion of your home or apartment.)

If clutter tends to collect in this corner, this could mean you are neglecting your relationship in favor of other things: children, career, or maybe even detrimental habits such as gambling or drinking. It’s time to place some focus on your relationship in order to save your marriage.

If this area is in disrepair, or dark and dimly lit, the same holds true. Perhaps you are “in the dark” about how much you both really care for each other, and need to have a conversation to share your feelings.

If the area is filled with books or workout equipment, it could mean you view your relationship as hard work, something to take very seriously. On the other hand, if your children’s toys are invading the marriage trigram (either intentionally because that’s where the kids’ bedroom or playroom is located, or just because it’s a corner of your house that toys collect), it could mean you’re not taking your marriage commitment seriously enough.

Once you’ve analyzed what your home’s Marriage trigram says about your relationship, it’s time to take steps to fix the way your marriage is reflected in your home.

We’ll also look at the master bedroom, wherever it’s located in your home, since that room also has great significance and symbolism in your relationship.


5 Easy Steps to Save Your Marriage with Feng Shui

Feng Shui Marriage Key #1 – Activate the marriage trigram with intention

First, fix anything that doesn’t feel right in this area of your home. Get rid of any objects that don’t make you happy. If the space is dark, consider task lighting, candles or a Himalayan salt lamp, depending on what will fit the space. You might also add fresh cut flowers or a live plant to empower the space and set your intention to create a happier marriage.


Feng Shui Marriage Key #2 – Add objects in pairs to the marriage trigram (but don’t go overboard!)

I’ve walked in to the homes of couples, or of single women looking to attract love, and see objects in pairs all over the place. Pairs of candle holders, ceramic hearts, Feng Shui ducks. Every item has a mate, but all it really does is add clutter to the home. I wonder (and often ask), “Do you really like these items? Does each one add something to the experience of your home? Do they reflect your goals?” A lot of times, the person thinks about it and realizes that these objects don’t do anything except collect dust.

My advice? Select one pair of items that has special value to you, and display it in the marriage trigram as a focal point to the space. In decorating and in Feng Shui, less is often more!


Feng Shui Marriage Key #3 – Use happy family photos in the Marriage trigram and other areas of your home where you will see them every day

Consider placing photos of yourself and your spouse, along with your children in the marriage trigram. Make sure they are photos where the whole family is together, smiling and happy. The only exception is if your master bedroom is situated in the Marriage trigram, as it’s important to keep photos of people, other than you and your spouse, out of this space.

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Starting Over


Feng Shui Marriage Key #4- Feng Shui your master bedroom

Your bed can play a huge role in a happy marriage. The best Feng Shui bed should have a solid headboard firmly attached to the bed. (A footboard is optional.) The bed should be Queen size, since a full-size bed is not big enough for two adults, and a king-size bed, Feng Shui principles state, leaves you no where to go but down, no room for growth in your relationship. Aim for balance in the master bedroom Read more Feng Shui master bedroom tips here.


Feng Shui Marriage Key #5 – Write a love letter to your spouse

Whether you share this letter or not, writing down all the things you love about your husband and your marriage will remind you why you married him in the first place and will set your heart on the mending cycle. If you share the letter, it can open up an important dialogue about your intention to make your marriage work. If you don’t share it, you’ll still see powerful results by focusing on attracting more love in to your marriage.

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About the Author

One of America’s premier Feng Shui consultants, Ken Lauher helps thousands of people achieve their goals through Feng Shui. He can help you become a money magnet, attract passionate love, jump-start your career and get unstuck. Visit to get your FREE Feng Shui guide and discover the ancient secrets that can help you unlock your true potential.

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