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August 7th: Venus moves into Cancer

August 7th: Venus moves into Cancer

Love planet, Venus, moves into Cancer where it will stay until September 6th 

by Kelli Fox

Under the influence of Venus in Cancer, and depending on how this transit affects your natal chart, you may find yourself longing for deep emotional connections. Casual relationships don’t appeal to you — it’s intimacy that you crave. Your sensitive, soft-hearted side comes out now, and you want to feel safe enough in your relationships to show your vulnerability. When you feel that your sense of security is threatened, you might hide behind the protection of your Crab shell, and put others off with your crankiness.

You may be more nurturing and maternal toward your loved ones now, baking their favorite treats and tending to their every need. Once you feel committed, you’re in for the long haul, and are willing to invest your time and energy in making the relationship work. Just be sure that you’re not giving too much of yourself away, and that there’s a balance of give-and-take. Because of your strong desire for intimacy, you might also have a tendency to commit yourself too quickly, ignoring the warning signals. Be sure to pay close attention to your feelings and intuition.

You’ve got a gift for beautifying your home, and creating a cozier, more comfortable nest. This can also be a favorable transit for strengthening your financial foundation. You won’t be likely to spend impulsively, and you hold on tenaciously to what you’ve got.

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