Awakening to Your Purpose

Awakening to Your Purpose in this Life
By Shelly Wilson
Have you had your moment of awakening to your life purpose?
I remember, even as far back as when I was a child, wondering exactly what my purpose is in this life. Who am I? Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing?
I literally had the cartoon-light bulb “Ah-ha” moment on May 1, 2008 while having an angel reading. The answers to my questions were revealed to me. As with so many other people, I know now that I was born during this period of time for a purpose. I became aware of this four years ago when I had my awakening to the truth of who I am. I began truly listening to the guidance I was receiving. Paying attention to this guidance, I delved deeply into my spiritual studies, in which Reiki played a defining role for me.
I personally believe that we plan each and every incarnation. We plan our challenges, our triumphs, and our opportunities for learning and growth. Most of us don’t remember what we planned for ourselves. When we awaken to the truth of who we are, everything begins to make sense. In reality, all is as it should be in each moment of each life.
Earth school and all of the experiences it entails comprise our learning. I think we definitely have a pre-conceived notion of how something should be or transpire. I know that I used to. In reality, the Universe typically has something completely different in mind. With that said, allow yourself to open to the flow of what the Universe has in store for you. Recognize that your purpose may simply be to be happy and live life joyfully without regret. The interaction you have with others plays a pivotal role. When you offer a kind word, a smile, an ear to listen, you are making a difference in the lives of others.
As you are awakening to your purpose, I encourage you to have patience with the process. Undoubtedly, you have heard the words, “Have patience,” more times than you can count. I actually smile every time I hear the words just as I am smiling now because I have heard the words spoken so many times myself. It is essential to have patience with the process. Change takes time. Change doesn’t happen overnight. Having patience is part of the process.
Do not get upset if you feel like you are not making progress. You absolutely are! Some days, you may feel like you are taking a step backwards or you may feel like you are having a self-perceived bad day. Honor yourself and what you are feeling. Take pause and rest when you need to. Don’t think of the process as a game with an imposed time limit. As the saying goes, “Patience truly is a virtue!”
Spiritual growth takes time. Remember, a seed doesn’t become a flower overnight! It takes soil, water, nurturing, pulling the surrounding weeds, and sunlight. This translates spiritually to taking time for you as well as basking in the love and light! We can observe the change that is occurring, but the flower doesn’t grow any faster.
It is also vitally important to remember that we are a continual work-in-progress, and there is always room for improvement. Each day is a new beginning. Therefore, with each day, each of us will have new life experiences. New experiences sometimes involve challenges. It’s up to you if you view the challenge as the proverbial mountain or mole-hill. The fact of the matter is that it is all about perception. When you change your perception, you will change your life.
I recognize that I am not the same person I was yesterday nor will I be the same person tomorrow that I am today. My Spirit is continually healing and growing. I acknowledge the same for you. You are not the same person you were yesterday nor will you be the same person tomorrow that you are today. Your Spirit is continually healing and growing. Recognize your power and tap into your inner knowingness. Allow yourself to shine!
As your awareness heightens, pay special attention to the guidance you are receiving. The Universe is splendid when presenting us with guidance and signs. The ability to recognize when you are receiving guidance from the Universe, your Higher Self, your angels, and your guides is a skill that is easily mastered with practice and patience. Signs are presented to us as coins, songs on the radio, overheard conversations, and pictures.
Guidance is sometimes subtle and comes in whispers and gentle nudges. This same guidance may become louder, more persistent and may feel like the proverbial push or shove when we do not recognize or acknowledge it. When this happens, the Universe is adamant that we receive the message. It is up to each one of us to choose to listen and to take action on this guidance.
We have free will and can always choose whether or not to do so. However, it is important to recognize and acknowledge the guidance you are receiving and express gratitude for it. Understanding the how, when, why or what is irrelevant at the moment it is recognized, yet it should be acknowledged. The significance will be realized at precisely the moment it should.
To help with your awakening, you may choose to ask these questions for yourself
Who am I?
Why am I here?
What am I supposed to be doing?
As you are awakening to the truth of who you are – embrace all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will become for all is truly well.
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About the Author
Shelly Wilson is a Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher Shelly Wilson would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. With respect, truth, integrity and love, Shelly honors your free will and recognizes that you are co-creating your reality with the Universe. She offers private readings, intuitive coaching, Reiki sessions, and teaches workshops. Shelly has two courses available through the DailyOM.

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