Been There and Done That. Why Older is Better
By Lisa K.
I’m getting old. Okay, I’m getting older. We’re all getting older, and hearing that when you’re in your 20’s, you think, “Yeah, yeah, I’m not old yet.” But as we do get older, the thought of getting older seems to be something you always want to put in the back of your mind, somewhere where you don’t have to think about it.
Milestones in life make you think about time passing, such as graduating High School or College, getting married, having a baby, having your “baby” go to school for the first time, or having your “baby” graduate from High School and go off to college! I think for me, passing the half century mark made me think about it even more. Fifty?? How did THAT happen? Even then, fifty came and went in a flash!
Some of us may hit those milestones and be startled that so much time has slipped away, that we push the thought out of our minds just to get back on the train again moving forward. We want to hang on to the good things that have passed and we often dread the unknown future. It seems to be more disheartening when our bodies remind us of our aging. The longer we live, the more change we experience.
Change is hard for us in general, but change doesn’t have to be a bad thing, it can be a good thing. Being able to accept a change is releasing and then knowing that something better can come along, is uplifting. When change happens where we need to let go of something, it may be a bit more difficult. We like to hang on to the old things, but you never know, a better thing may be on it’s way! My friend and radio show co-host, Anne-Marie, is great at seeing things positively. She always sees and expects that better is coming, her favorite saying is, “Ask God for this or something better!” Here are some things to look forward to no matter what your age:
- As we age, you know more of what you like and what you don’t like, experience gives us the wisdom of “been there done that.” That helps you make better choices and making better choices helps us manifest what we do want.
- Many older people are happier than younger people. Why? Because with age comes experience and wisdom. When you’re young you don’t know what to expect, that leaves you feeling powerless. Experience gives you knowledge to know what to do, what will more likely happen, and also lets you know what to expect. Knowledge is power and the older you are the more knowledge you’ve gained.
- Our circles of people who support us gets larger as we get older, we have more friends, and larger families. That means we have a stronger support network that we can rely on when we need it. That can be very comforting.
- The body always benefits from physical activity, and you can gain some physical improvement, even if you’ve never done it before. There are many people who have taken up a new sport or exercise in their older years who claim they are in better shape now than they were when they were younger, I think I’m one of them! Don’t give up on the opportunity to try something new that is physical. You may be surprised at what you can accomplish and how much better it makes you feel.
- In our older years, we often look for more in life and realize that the “more” is within us, and no longer on the outside. We often then have the time and interest to find it. That is why so many people return to finding their spirituality later in life, and they do find it. Those who are older are wiser about life, the lessons and experiences they then face in their quest for more spirituality are more fruitful. They are more centered, more at peace, and have an inner happiness. And that is better than gold.
Remember, you don’t have to reach 50 to see positive changes as you get older, life is a continuum. Your aging gifts can be noticed when you’re 18, 25, 35 or 90!
So think about your life now, where you’ve come from and what you have gained through the years. Add to the list above and write down what you’ve discovered.
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Lisa K. is highly sought after intuitive counselor and teacher of every day spirituality. As a spiritual teacher and author of several blogs and online teaching media, Lisa shows people how to expand their awareness of spirit, and connect to the divinity within them. Lisa K. has helped thousands of people around the world through personal intuitive coaching sessions, online and in person classes, workshops, angel readings and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” which presents a variety of topics on Every Day Spirituality. Learn more about Lisa K., visit her official site at:
copyright (c) 2012 Lisa K. – Lisa K. is highly sought after intuitive counselor and teacher of every day spirituality.
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