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Embrace of Our Cosmic Center

Embrace of Our Cosmic Center

Balance comes from a certain sense of equilibrium. Our feeling of being centered in life has a lot associated with it–peace, readiness, flow and a mixture of various spectra of existence. This can be realized in a certain way we feel when we are held in an embrace, or enveloped in a sense of security. We are also presented with energies associated with our (re)birth that we must assimilate.

We know what we do here, at our level. The dimension in which we live brings us into direct interaction with others like us and not like us. We all are learning what it means to come together and share our energies. There are different frequencies and vibrations we all give off; along with different ways to intercept those emissions and either accept or reject them as part of who we are.

It goes beyond likes and dislikes, too–many of which can be prejudicial in nature. There is a higher-level, cosmic means to our interactions that can also be felt at times. It is like the hand of fate or the fickle finger of the universe has caused something to happen–maybe laid it right at our feet for us to deal with or witness.

We might approach life itself in a variety of ways: we may let life happen “to” us, and always react to its effects; we may hold steady and allow things in life to pass or flow through us, taking just what we need to get by or improve a little; or we may choose to make life happen “for” us and be proactive–taking advantage, setting goals and planning where we will place our next step along the way.

When we permit ourselves to think of what can affect our lives past the self and beyond this earthly plane, the cosmos opens up for us allowing a glimpse into what lies outside of our little, contained sphere. As we maintain that sense of our self that lies in balance, on the middle path, we can then allow those greater possibilities to flow through us. This allows a transformational change to take place.

Similar to the way we might embrace another person, such as a friend we have not seen in a while, we bring him or her into the fold of our energies. We hold them close to our heart-center. Families are great at sharing this kind of energy with others. We let people know how much we care about them and have this exchange of feeling that passes between us. Consider that, as our planet and universe moves its way around, that it, too, will return to its galactic center or its place of birth.

Just like coming home after a long trip away, we are being brought, once again, into the arms of our cosmic embrace with our Source. We are returning home, readying for the enormous ‘welcome back’ that we might enjoy for a while before being flung back out for another trip around the universe. Before we trek once again on another universal procession lasting thousands of years, some of us may even choose to celebrate with streamers and cake. We may look for any reason to celebrate and have a good time externally, but do we really require that kind of a marker?

As with any kind of celebration, there is always the cleaning-up to be done afterward. We have been on this grand traverse around our galaxy. Like a young man after being off on his grand tour, we must now get down to business, take our experiences and utilize them as best we can. In order to make room for the goodness that comes, we need to let go of what no longer serves us.

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We need to weather the storms that arise when real energy meets real energy. It may not exactly matter whether the energies are positive or negative–we must deal with them–and some energies will want to cling and hang around. The awareness we share as we go through the embrace of our cosmic center will aid us in sorting through our rebirth or renewal. We must balance our sense of understanding and awareness with a sense of permission in letting this energy exchange take place. In this way, we act as energy weavers, integrating our way through the embrace of cosmic change.

Internally, we can know that we are once again being held close and share the loving feeling of acceptance that we know awaits us as we return. We need to ready ourselves to be welcoming in return. As with any wonderful experience, it would be good to appreciate and accept the exchange as a gift of being with presence and balance, and be grateful.

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