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Manifesting is Not a Superpower

Manifesting is Not a Superpower

By Justin Chase Mullins

Let’s face it – life is what we truly make it.  We focus an oblivion of sheer force into our thoughts for material things.  We associate material things with happiness. 

The power of manifestation is an immaculate thing; it’sbeautiful, stoic, and slathered in morsels of Hershey kiss delight.  Hey, I know.  I have used the power of manifestation many a times.  It does work, although it’s merely a power – NOT a superpower.


SUCCESS TAKES HARD WORK I went from nothing but a humble boy from the mountains, who unhappily worked various jobs in the call center and retail industry, to being a fairly successful psychic.  How?  I manifested success.

Sound the trumpets, hit the music, and get ready for an astounding announcement.  Success comes from hard work.  Are you surprised? We cannot simply summon a Genie to grant us our wishes.  This is not Bewitched, where some gorgeous witch twitches her nose, and boomshakalaka, we have success.  Oh no, my dear friends.  Success takes hard work, and lots of it!

CREATE A PLAN I want to let you all in on a secret about how I manifest things. I set forth realistic goals; I envision the future in the third-eye; and I naturally feel these things will happen.

Only a few short years ago, I did not have a website.  Yes, I was a humble call-center employee who practiced psychic readings on my friends.  I manifested success, and followed through with creating a website.  The first few months I didn’t have many website hits, and therefore, did not have many clients.  Coming from the mountains, the only psychics I knew of were the ones on TV, such as Chip Coffey on Paranormal State.  I also briefly remember John Edwards, and who could forget Sylvia Browne?  Once I realized I had an ability, and was using it pretty gosh darn well, I created realistic goals to become a successful psychic.

I decided to read people for free.  I would do readings by Facebook, phone, or any means necessary.  Pretty soon, I created a buzz about my abilities – the good kind, not the intoxicating kind.  I put forth a great work ethic, and applied to become a member of Best American Psychics.  I went forward with the testing process, and happily found myself accepted as a featured advisor.  I was able to manifest a means – a vessel if you will – that allowed me the opportunity to become a successful psychic.

MANIFEST WITHIN REASON We cannot all be world famous rock stars, and have our own reality show.  Manifest what you need, and what is within reason.  I would love to have a million dollars, who wouldn’t?  Oh yeah, that baby in the Capital One commercials with Jimmy Fallon.  Hilarious stuff!

If you need money, manifest enough to take care of what you need.  I find that when I humbly ask the Universe to send money, I get enough to get by.  Set forth goals for the amount of money you need.  Then watch for opportunities like ways to manifest a new job that would help generate more income.  Manifest a job that is a good fit for you.  It’s like the age-old adage from the Rolling Stones – you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need.

See Also

MANIFESTATION IS NOT A SUPERPOWER I was chatting with someone about the power of manifestation.  She proclaimed that she does not have to worry about negative things occurring because she does not allow negative things to happen in her life.  The thing is, we do not live in a Utopia.  This is not a perfect world.  We are imperfect, and flawed.  Negative things happen in our lives to teach us lessons, and to help us grow.  Manifestation is not some super power, where we can build our own world with our minds.  But, when things are more realistic, we have the ability to manifest within reason.

In my experience, I have manifested a successful start to my career.  Am I a Psychic Superstar?  No.  That takes hard work, determination and time.  We have to pay our dues in life.  I have been able to manifest success on radio shows, at event appearances, magazine features, and great affiliations.  Rome was not built in a day, and neither is our life.  Manifest within reason – humbly – and ask for what you need.  We are materialistic people, asking for help from non-materialistic forces.  Those forces are only concerned with our highest spiritual well-being and enlightenment.  So roll up your sleeves, and get to work!

Realistically expect the process to be difficult, and for things not to be easy.  The things we want most in life, are usually the most difficult.  Expect to find others who are better than you at first.  As my Dad always said, “There’s always someone out there better than you”.  That truly aided the process of giving me the gift of humility.  I once had a desire to be an NBA Basketball star, or a baseball star.  His advice was realistic, and it helped me to understand that I shouldn’t focus so much on being the superstar.

Success comes from hard work.  That is a theme I keep repeating because it’s true.  Work hard, give your best at what you do, and focus on realistically manifesting success.

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