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Mediumship: Defining the World of a Medium

Mediumship: Defining the World of a Medium

By Justin Chase Mullins

I firmly believe that anyone can have psychic ability, but not every psychic is a medium.   Mediumship for me has always been a natural ability. I have never been through any training, or studied under anyone. I can recall communicating with spirits from the age 4 or 5 years old, and having experiences with spirits.   I would see spirits on a regular basis, in the dreamscape and with the “sixth sense”.   I always assumed that the world was very supernatural, that everyone could see, and hear spirits.

What is Mediumship?

Being a Medium entails, having the ability to communicate with the deceased.  How do I see spirits? I see spirits in the sixth sense.  I am an Evidential Medium; I am able to provide proof of life after death.  I see the images of those that have passed. When I do readings, I’m able to describe how the deceased appeared in great detail. I see spirits almost like a photo.  They show themselves in all ages. I find that some spirits in the afterlife are vain, like they may have been during their normal life, people that passed at an older age, do appear at times much younger.  Spirits still have the same thoughts and personality in the afterlife. During the reading, I provide the sitter with details of the person that I am seeing. From there, they often provide small details that serve as a “calling card” to verify, that I am communicating with them.

In my experience, when someone that I know has passed away, they come and visit a few months after their death. I’ve experienced deceased friends, often appearing in dreams during critical times. I’ve dreamed of my Papaw and Grandmother, both appearing after their death, with cryptic messages.   Dreams are often like the ability of Clairvoyance, spirits communicate through symbols, and one needs to decipher what their dream symbol set is.

Mediumship in the Paranormal

Mediumship in person is more intense, than by phone.  I do allot of work in the paranormal.   Spirits routinely and quickly come in with intense messages, and images.  Spirits that are still earthbound are more erratic. Often times, people that experienced sudden deaths or have reasons to stay on the earth plane, are more intense. They will appear in the same condition as they were when they passed; sometimes I will see spirits as they were at the end of their life and the terms of their death.  They are concerned of things to do with this life.  In the paranormal, I work to cross spirits over.  Spirits that have not crossed over do not have light around them.  The light from the other side has always appeared as very white light.  Light from Angels have appeared as gold or yellowish.   In doing cross-over sessions, I ask for help from the Angels. I often ask for Metratron or Michael to help in crossing over spirits and in cleansing the energy of the home.  I do not recommend this technique for demonic hauntings, due to the dangers of dealing with the demonic. I would recommend a Catholic Priest, and/or demonologist to handle any kind of demonic cleansings.

Mediumship and Communication

During a Mediumship session, one cannot guarantee connecting with a certain spirit.  I have learned that spirits with more dominant personalities and/or more tenure in the afterlife tend to come through when that door is opened.  I often tell my clients, let’s go ahead and see what this spirit has to say, and then we will communicate with the person that you want to communicate with. Often, after communicating with the first spirit that came through, I am able to connect with the requested spirit.   It’s important to set up rules and boundaries when doing communication. Some Mediums, only allow one spirit to come through, instead of having an open door. Depending on the circumstance I will set that rule up, although there is no absolute guarantee of communication.

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I recommend giving the sitter a description of who you are connecting with, and share every detail that comes in, no matter how small or unimportant the details may seem. In a prior session, I saw an oil can and was given the information to “Change your oil.” I shared that with the client.  Turns out, that was an inside joke between the client, father and brother. She was crying tears of joy and excitement.  For most Mediums it’s rare to receive names, I receive names only 20% of the time during Mediumship sessions by phone and I have a higher success rate of receiving names during in person Mediumship.

It’s best for the deceased and the client to allow at least 6 months before attempting communication with a person who has recently passed.  The time of 6 months, allows an adjustment period where the deceased becomes accustomed to the afterlife and the client has a chance to heal. In attempting communication before that time frame, often emotions get involved, and the client is less likely to accept information.  Mediumship is a very rare ability, but a very special one.  The ability provides proof of life after death, and can help people heal.  We are never alone, and we all have a great support team on the other side looking out for us.

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Justin Chase Mullins is a psychic medium.

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