Sri Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari

Sri Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari Lovingly called Baba (Be Aware, Be Awakened) is an international motivational speaker, author, social advocate, universal spiritual teacher and innovative MicroCredit leader from West Bengal, India.
Sri Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari – Be Aware, Be Awakened
Born on May 10, 1949, he received a Masters in Commerce in 1972 at Andhra University, Vishakapatnam, India. He then taught commerce at Andhra Vidyalaya College in Hyderabad from 1972 until 1976, when he left academics to go into mindful service as a Hindu monk.
In 1985 he founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission (LDLM), to serve the poor. Today LDLM’s groundbreaking sustainable development programs serve hundreds of thousands in remote villages of West Bengal and in the slums of Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), India. It conducts street and village schools. Over 200,000 people who would not otherwise receive medical care are treated at LDLM’s mobile health van clinics. Its landmark MicroCredit self-help groups for rural women are helping them to become self-sufficient and leaders in their communities. Operating on the same MicroCredit model, Farmers’ self-help groups teach organic farming.
In 2005, Sri Shuddhaanandaa founded the Stress Management Academy and began conducting global seminars on breathing, relaxation, meditation and positive thinking for schools, corporations, hospitals, prisons, and other venues. He recently broadened his Simple Art of Managing Stress Program into Course in Mindfulness (CIM). Programs include CIM Emergence, for youth, CIM Resurgence, for leaders and CIM Convergence, for all seekers of Mindfulness Training. The course explores the Five Steps of Mindfulness: Physical, Mental, Social, Economic and Spiritual, as a pathway to peace and prosperity, harmony, health and happiness for all.
Baba has inspired hundreds of thousands of people globally through his workshops, which are popular with youth, the corporate sector and those who are interested in deepening their spiritual life, whatever their tradition and belief.
Shuddhaanandaa began touring and speaking globally in 1990. Wherever he goes, his vibrant intelligence, fully engaged heart and remarkable presence touch his audience. Whether sharing his model of sustainable development, his vision of interfaith cooperation, or encouraging us to practice mindfulness and to befriend our own mind, he is always inspiring.
Baba presented at the World Hindu Conference in Frankfurt, Germany in 1992, was the keynote speaker at the Global Youth Conference, Washington D.C. in 2000 and lectured at Parliament of World Religions in Chicago, IL in 1993. He was a delegate to the Millennium Peace Summit, United Nations in 2000 and spoke about his micro-credit programs at the Parliament of World Religions in Barcelona, Spain in 2004. He recently presented at the International Conference on Spiritual Paradigm for Surmounting Global Management Crisis in Varanasi.
He has authored several books, including Making Your Mind Your Best Friend. He is a regular contributor to OMTimes and Tathaastu magazines and is a popular figure on Facebook, Twitter and Speaking Tree, where he blogs daily, personally answers reader’s comments, and questions in his engaging, practical and humorous style. To be in his presence is to be in true joy of the spirit.
Service as a Tool of Transformation
Poverty is a state of mind in ignorance, reversing it to abundance is our task as peace activists, for till the chasm between the rich and poor is bridged; peace would remain a dream in this troubled world
No true help comes through charity, and no gift from outside can change the plight of the underprivileged. Traditional charity generates lower self-esteem, powerlessness, and a sense of inadequacy. It dampens the personal initiative required to move beyond poverty.
Self-Help is the most effective way to work with human beings and the ills with which they wrestle. The Social Worker is merely a catalyst and facilitator, creating a solid ground for development that is both sustainable and nourishes the individual and the social context in which he or she lives.
The greatest gift to our shared human future is human beings who have discovered the immensity of their own inner strengths and resources, and their ability to overcome even the most difficult of circumstances while working with deep mutual regard for one another and all beings on Mother Earth.
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