The Quest for Happiness: Part 1
Top 10 Reasons To Practice Tantra
By Chandi Devi
What is it that you seek? Money, love, security, power? Why do you seek it? It is because you want to have a beautiful home, big bank account, a fantastic relationship, more love? Go deeper and ask yourself why do you seek these things? What will these things do for you? You say, “All my troubles will go away.” And? “I can travel and buy things, do things for others.” And? “I will feel safe and secure.” And? “I won’t have to worry.” And if you continue this questioning and state all your reasons, the bottom line is the more you question your motives it becomes quite obvious. It means just one thing. You want these things because they will make you happy.
We are motivated to do the things we do because we believe it will bring more meaning into our lives and we will be happier. But we seek more than happiness. We seek bliss.
The reason we want and seek bliss is simple. We seek bliss because it is our innate state of being, our “right” as sentient beings. Bliss exists internally. It is not an external feature that is subject to other people or other circumstances. No one and no-thing has the power to control how much joy and love we experience. We are in total control of our own destiny and our own experiences. We create our karma. We create our reality.
We are born to be fulfilled, happy and content, yet we deny ourselves the blissful state that is ours, mainly because we are unaware that we have full access to it within ourselves. And so we search outside of us in vain. Even if we achieve success in pursuit of our goals, we still find our lives empty, unfulfilled and incomplete. All you need do is read the headlines and you will see celebrities who earn millions of dollars every week still suffering from low esteem and self-destruct, feeling totally unworthy and on a road to self-destruct. How is that possible?
What can we do about it? How do we go from here, with all the stress, worry, fatigue and age creeping up on us, to having a life of self-mastery, optimum health, eternal youth, love and laughter?
The answer is simple. TANTRA. Tantra offers a deeper purpose beyond happiness. Tantra offers BLISS. How is that different? Happiness and joy have their opposites, sadness and sorrow. Bliss has no opposite. That is because bliss just IS. It is your inherent right. Bliss is unaffected and unadulterated by external factors, because it is not an emotion. Bliss is a STATE of Be-ing.
We use tantra as a tool to connect with this state. Most people do not realize just how powerful and effective tantra is. It is not just about great sex, but about healing and transforming self. And why would transformation be something to aspire to? The reason is the healed self is a great asset to all of humanity. The healed self serves all of Creation and fulfills its purpose for living.
Before I give you the top 10 reasons to practice tantra, let me just reiterate that tantra is a spiritual path that is regulated by you and only you. You may have teachers and guides, and I really hope you have them, because they have travelled the road before and know the terrain like the back of their hands, but ultimately, the bottom line is this: Tantra involves self-study and applying spiritual values in your life. No religion or person can do this for you, but you.
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