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Acne and Adjunct Therapies with Crystals

Acne and Adjunct Therapies with Crystals

Acne can be a stubborn, persistent condition that should be treated internally, as well as externally.

The skin reflects our internal health. Acne is sometimes an indicator of toxic conditions. Too much waste product in the kidneys, liver, lungs, intestine or digestive problems can all give cause for breakouts. Allergies, high fat diet, emotional problems, pollution…these are all causes.

Most cases of acne will disappear by themselves at the end of adolescence, but if acne persists or becomes severe, it should be treated more aggressively to prevent scarring.

Sudden appearance of acne in adulthood may be a sign of hormonal imbalance or drug toxicity (usually from steroids). Get a medical checkup to rule out these possibilities.

Western drugs, derivatives of Vitamin A, are used to treat acne. Tretinoin (Retin-A) is a topical preparation, while isoretinoin (Accutane) is for internal use. These drugs are safe when used under the supervision of a dermatologist but should not be used casually because they can be irritating and toxic. (Caution: Do not use if pregnant. These drugs may cause birth defects).

Clean the skin regularly with soap and water as well as with the special acne formulas containing benzoyl peroxide. This is an excellent cleansing agent and the active ingredient of many lotions and creams, both over-the-counter and prescription varieties. Benzoyl peroxide may irritate the skin, so it is best to leave it on for only two hours, then wash it off.

Herbs used for general detoxification of the liver and bowels assist in elimination and herbs that increase perspiration through the skin are very helpful in treating acne.

Acne that grows into large groups can form sebaceous cysts, carbuncles or furuncles. Boils can be large and inflamed and can be a sign of a staphylococcus or (staph) infection. Weak immune function, diabetes mellitus, poor nutrition and the use of immunosuppresive drugs are some causes. Boils are often an infection that starts at the hair follicle, inflammation occurs and then spreads. The bacteria in the pus reacts the same as acne in that it is contagious to the surrounding skin. Staph infection is contagious, can contaminate new skin, causing new boils or enter the bloodstream and spread to other body parts. Without treatment, a boil usually comes to head, opens and drains in 10-25 days.

This is something that should be watched carefully. If nausea, vomiting, fever or infection grows, these are signs that these pus and blood filled boils are not acne, but a bacterial infection. Severe cases require, blood test and doctor to prescribe antibiotic and draining incision and bed rest.

Boils are usually treated by lancing the boil to get the pus core out and oral antibiotics are given to get rid of the infection.

Poultices, warm towels on a regular basis will help with pain and drawing it out of skin. Do this 4 times a day for about 20 minutes.

Clean the wound. This is important to prevent infection and to decrease the chance of permanent discoloration, or scarring. Wash the area with soap and water Your own saliva contains many enzymes, which kill bacteria. Use it to clean the area if soap/water are not available. The object is to dilute the bacteria in the wound.

Disinfection is necessary, pour 3 percent hydrogen peroxide into the wound, let it foam up, repeat, and pat dry with a clean piece of gauze or cotton.

Yunnan Paiyao is an excellent Chinese herbal powder, which helps to stop bleeding, close the wound and decreases scarring. This patent formula alone helps the flesh regenerate and prevents blood stasis and infections, which could lead to scarring. It can be used externally and taken internally as well! Excellent treatment for boils and staph infection.

Consider burdock root, which is a natural blood cleanser, red clover to cleanse the blood, along with Chlorophyll and garlic, a natural antibiotic. Take additional Vitamins A, C, E, which are powerful anti-inflammatory and Co enzyme Q10, a fantastic antioxidant.

See Also
4 Concerns

Amethyst is the great detoxer! Make a gem essence from amethyst and use it under the tongue, 8-10 drops under the tongue, 3-4 times a day. Use 2 droppers full in the bath.

Blend 20 drops into massage oil and body/skin lotions.

Add it to all acne cleansers.

Also consider amethyst, aventurine, clear quartz.

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Andrew Pacholyk has been in the alternative health field for over eighteen years.  Connect with him at:

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