Ho’oponopono: The Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual

Ho’oponopono as the Key to Your Life’s Fulfillment
by Ulrich E. Duprée
Ho‘oponopono is the Hawaiian ritual of forgiveness. It stems from an understanding of everything in the world being one, in spite of our feelings of ‘separateness’. Because of this unity or oneness everything that occurs in our own world creates a resonance in the observer.
To heal the planet we first have to heal our selves to do this Ho‘oponopono relies on four magic sentences:
I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
Duprée describes Ho‘oponopono in a simple way that anyone can immediately transform into their own experience.
The forgiveness ritual of Ho‘oponopono is love in action. You forgive yourself and others for having inflicted any sort of hurt, or for having failed to help when needed. ‘This is a simple four-step procedure that helps you learn to forgive yourself unconditionally, to love, and, additionally, to make things better. It is as if you were reformatting your computer’s hard disk. It wipes out all the data that makes your life slow and burdensome.
Powerful yet concise, this revolutionary guide summarizes the Hawaiian ritual of forgiveness and offers methods for immediately creating positive effects in everyday life. Exploring the concept that everyone is deeply connected — despite feelings of singularity and separation — four tenets are disclosed for creating peace with oneself and others: I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, and Thank you.
Offering practical exercises, this simple four-step system encourages readers to focus on difficult conflicts within personal relationships and heal the past. By addressing these issues, owning one’s feelings, and accepting unconditional love, unhealthy situations transform into favorable experiences.
For more information or to purchase the book, visit: FindhornPress.com

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