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It’ll be OK…The Best Treatment for Panic Attacks

It’ll be OK…The Best Treatment for Panic Attacks

By Cindy Morris

Occasionally I have mini panic attacks. I can relate them to times in my life where I felt no support and I felt like I was alone in a frightening world. These days, with the energetic shifts palpable as a change in the weather, as storms of feeling moving through my emotional landscape I can feel the beginnings of a panic attack making its way to the surface of my consciousness. As a panic attack begins I can feel it gaining energy if I give it any attention at all. Panic attacks and its buddy, anxiety, can completely dominate and take over a perfectly lovely day, as soon as I put my energy and attention on it. I can entertain all kinds of doomsday scenarios and, as if by magic, events and experiences will line up in my life to prove their prophecy correct.

The opposite works as well. As soon as I transfer my focus of attention to something that brings me delight and pleasure (something as simple as hugging my dogs and my cat) I shift the energy to calm and peaceful and I feel the dread of the anxiety begin to lift. As soon as I focus on the anxiety, even for a moment, the floodgates of panic open and I am freaked out.

When I pet my dogs and my cat I feel immediately grounded – connected.  Living embodiments of unconditional LOVE as they are, as soon as I connect with them I also feel connected to Source. I can also ground myself by visually seeing a giant tree root going from the base of my spine (the first chakra) way down into the center of the Earth. I imagine all my fear and anxiety thoughts rushing down that tree root and dissolving into the core of the Earth where it will be transmuted back into LOVE energy. I do this grounding frequently during the day, especially when I am away from my pets!

It is critical to ground yourself frequently during the day as we are in momentous times of consciousness shift and as things are shifting it is imperative that you stay in Peace, Joy, Bliss and not dwell in negative emotions. I remember a poster I saw in a 12 step meeting probably 25 years ago. It read: “If you feel separate from God, guess who moved.”

Source energy is always there, like a gigantic switchboard of possible connections. Source has a connection waiting just for you. Every time you disconnect panic ensues. Reconnect and you feel better. Keep grounding and connecting back to Source.

Today the Sun, your essential life force energy, conjuncts Mercury, planet of the conscious mind. Watch what you think as what you think will create feelings in your experience. In these powerful times, now more than ever, what you FEEL is what you will bring into your experience. Feel anxious and panic-stricken? Then more anxiety and panic is on for you. Feel joy, much more of joy coming your way, the very moment you choose to reconnect to Source.

Learn to ground yourself for immediate relief of free-floating anxiety. Following guided meditations to clear your chakras and connect back to Source is also a powerful tool to keep calm and joyful no matter what the weather brings you.

Learn grounding techniques and follow beautiful guided meditations led by John Corsa, clairsentient intuitive healer and crystologist at Reclaim Your Intuition. It works for me!

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Cindy Morris is a practicing astrologer and writer for over 30 years. She is the author of Priestess Entrepreneur: Success is an Inside Job and numerous short memoir stories. Cindy has a Masters in Social Work, have run a successful flower shop, was raised in the Bronx and now live in Boulder, CO where she collaborates with intuitive healer and crystologist, John Corsa in our Ignite Your Soul Potential transformational work.

Learn more about Cindy by visiting:

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