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Lessons From Archangel Gabriel About Spiritual Principles

Lessons From Archangel Gabriel About Spiritual Principles

By Shanta Gabriel

From the beginning of our association in 1990, Archangel Gabriel spoke in terms of Spiritual Principles. They would all be in capital letters ~ words like Harmony, Peace, Beauty were characteristic of the principles that he would lay out for me and through his energy I would also be able to experience those qualities within. Once I was given the experience of that higher frequency of energy, I would be able to recreate the experience on my own as my body created a new template.

As we try to ride the big waves of energy in these accelerated times, this has become one of the most important of the teachings I received. When I don’t remember to hold my energy in a higher vibrational frequency, I get tumbled in the turbulent power of the white water I am surfing to the beach.

We are rapidly moving through the emotional 4th dimensional energies on the way into the energy frequencies connected to a new world that is becoming through 2012 and beyond. In the vibrational frequency of a 5th dimensional space, these Spiritual Principles become the operational essence of our lives. They carry spiritual consciousness and an empowered presence that is palpable when we allow ourselves to receive from this place. When you stop and breathe in the essence of Grace, a new resonance is set into your being. For instance, it is especially profound in this high-energy time to bring Grace into your solar plexus. The calming affect is important for your personal electrical system as well as your emotional state.

As the 3D world continues to destabilize and structures we have believed in disappear, when we concentrate our attention on the presence of these Spiritual Principles, they will become the new structure of our lives. If we allow it to occur we can use these tools to bring more balance to our emotional being and create greater stability in many areas of life. Spiritual Principles become a living force with the vitality necessary to act as a guidance system for our minds to follow.

A Simple Practice:

When I am caught in traffic becoming anxious, what can I do? What would be the spiritual quality I need the most at this time? A personal favorite, I ask for the soothing quality of Grace in my Solar Plexus (the area between my rib cage and my pelvis that houses my emotional reactions).

Who do I ask? When I put out a special plea for help, I believe it goes to the Universal Resources of Spirit who are Equal to Any Demand. Too expansive? In short, my Higher Self is the place that fields information for the good of my soul, whether it is going in or out.

So I breathe Grace from the Divine Presence into my being and allow myself to feel more calm and centered. Grace is a living frequency that acts on my nervous system and my consciousness. On a practical level, Grace can also inspire synchronous activity within me that allows me to move into a state where I can see creative solutions and intuitively make a turn or take an action that would assist my progress in that moment.

A meditation to assist with bringing Divine Grace into your solar plexus is now available in the Resources Center Click here.

That this is true in traffic is just a metaphor for my life right now. When I exist out of harmony with this living vibrational field of Grace and Well-being, there is a sense of frustration and lack. I begin to focus more and more on those lower vibrational qualities that I am now attracting into my energy field through the Law of Attraction. My world looks darker and I do not see opportunities. I feel stuck. When this happens now I know it is a sign for me – not a little stop sign, but a huge lighthouse in the middle of my path. This massive structure is making sure I STOP where I am going and regroup. I need to stop my forward motion and remember what vibration I would prefer to have in my world, and consciously call that energy into my being.

I ask for Clarity in my mind, Harmony and Alignment with my Source energy, and Peace in my heart. These are the qualities that will bring more Well-being into my life. When I focus on these spiritual principles, they become a living magnetic field of energy that attracts more of the same through the Law of Attraction. When I use this practice before it is an emergency, it becomes brilliantly graceful, especially as I remember when I invite the principles to also ask for Grace and Ease.

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These are powerful spiritual tools that allow us to move into new 5th dimensional reality fields where we become the vibration on which we focus our attention. This Path of the Heart means there are no limitations to the abundant demonstrations we will receive from Pure Consciousness when we invite the gift of Spiritual Principles into our lives.

As Archangel Gabriel also says, And So it Is.

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About Shanta Gabriel, after a chance meeting with an Archangel while on a quest to find her life’s purpose, started a journey with the Angelic Dimensions that has lasted over 20 years.Shanta Gabriel is the author of The Gabriel Messages Book and the Gabriel Message Cards. To learn more about messages from Gabriel and Shanta Gabriel Visit:

Shanta Gabriel Copyright: August 25, 2012

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