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Marci Shimoff Speaks on Love & Happiness

Marci Shimoff Speaks on Love & Happiness

Through her research, Marci discovered that everyone is born with a “happiness set-point.” She likens it to a thermostat for our own happiness. “Happiness doesn’t have to do with circumstances,” she says. “We return to our happiness set-point, eventually, no matter what happens. But 90 percent of your happiness set point can be altered by changing your happiness habits.”

That’s where Happy for No Reason comes in, with 21 life-changing ways to raise your own happiness set point. “This stuff works,” Shimoff says, her own happiness and light shining through as we chat on the phone on a hot summer evening. “I went from a D + to an A – in happiness, and I’ve been able to stand as a witness to thousands of people who say they’re so much happier now that they’ve done the practices in Happy for No Reason.”

That’s where Happy for No Reason comes in, with 21 life-changing ways to raise your own happiness set point. “This stuff works,” Shimoff says, her own happiness and light shining through as we chat on the phone on a hot summer evening. “I went from a D + to an A – in happiness, and I’ve been able to stand as a witness to thousands of people who say they’re so much happier now that they’ve done the practices in Happy for No Reason.”

See Also

Listening to Marci, you might wonder: If someone like this, a best-selling author with more than 14 million copies of her books sold and a total of 118 weeks on the New York Times best seller list; featured teacher in the worldwide book and film phenomenon, The Secret; and the female face of the biggest self-help book series in history, Chicken Soup for the Soul, is not automatically happy, what hope does anyone else have?

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