Natural Ways to Heal Gastritis

Did you eat to much? Is that spicy food bothering your stomach, or is your mind making your stomach work over time?
Here are some great ways to calm down the hyperactive acid stomach.
Chamomile Tea is great, it will sooth away the hyper active stomach and make you feel better in no time.
Slippery Elm in a tea form or in a capsule creates a nice soothing balm for the stomach protecting it so you feel better.
Meditate for 15 minutes, meditation will make your stomach feel better. Just close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, in and out, and in no time at all your stomach will settle down.
Cucumber Juice is very alkaline and will counter act all the acid you have going on in your stomach naturally.
Yoga can also help, get up do some deep breathing and practice your yoga poses… in no time at all our stomach will feel better.
Activated Charcoal is great when mixed with a little water or a smoothie of some kind, works in minutes.
Marshmallow Root Powder Capsules will also create a protective layer to make your stomach feel great again.
Licorice Root will sooth away your stress so your stomach will feel good–only use once or twice a month.
Peppermint Tea is an old standby that will really work for making your stomach feel better and also make your liver and gallbladder inflammation settle down too.
Papaya Tablets sooth the GI tract and help with digestion.
Cardamom Tea is great–one of my favorite ways to make the stomach settle and feel wonderful.
Ginger… ginger candy, ginger tea, or ginger capsules works wonders for gastritis and also for motion sickness.
Fennel Tea will sooth your tummy and also get rid of gas.
Asparagus Root in capsules is very alkaline and also helps with gastritis.
Artichokes are alkaline and have fiber to help move the stomach contents along.
Indian Gooseberry is very soothing for the GI tract and will help with heartburn and even cases of vomiting.
Rhubarb is a soothing agent that’s great for kids, rhubarb can help with too much acid, just make sure to add a little sugar… it’s kind of tart.
Goldenseal works if you have a slight case of food poisoning by killing off the infecting bacteria.
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Dr. Paul Haider is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of many books, having created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on radio shows and television. His books “Relax into Success” and “21 Ways to Live a Stress Free Life in Only 21 Days” have sold countless copies.
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Dr. Paul Haider is a Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at - feel free to contact him any time.