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September 6th: Venus moves into Leo

September 6th: Venus moves into Leo

By Kelli Fox

Love planet, Venus, moves into Leo where it will stay until October 2nd.

While Venus is in Leo, and depending on its influence in your personal birth chart, your love life could be fiery and dramatic. You’ll be a passionate romantic, pulling out all the stops to express your warmth and affection — and expecting to be showered with adoration in return. Magnetism and confidence are strong, and you’re likely to have no trouble attracting lovers and friends. Your social life could take a lively turn, and you may find yourself with more reasons to celebrate.

During this transit you may be drawn to dressing more stylishly, and letting your glamorous side shine. It will be important to you to look your best and to stand out from the crowd. To this end, you could find yourself indulging in retail therapy, and your bills might be quite high. You’ve got a taste for luxury now, and a tendency toward extravagance.

The game of love is what excites you now, and you win people over through your enthusiasm, warmth and joie de vivre. You’ve got a theatrical flair now, but watch out for a tendency toward melodrama. This is a time when you could make mountains out of molehills, especially when it comes to love and romance.

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