Spiritual Challenges
In this amazing time of heightened awareness and new thought spirituality, we all have some unique challenges ahead. This age of ascension has changed everything! We are individuals on our own unique soul quests, working towards a collective energy of oneness in the Universe. These growing pains are a big part of our spiritual self-mastery as light beings in these evolving human bodies.
We are all learning to take better care of ourselves; Mind, Body and Spirit. We learn by living, feeling and asking questions. Those who have raised their vibration through soul development have to be cautious with their ego. Humility plays an important part when teaching others who have asked for assistance in their own personal challenges. Everyone has their own soul history, themes and lessons to learn and accomplish. Respecting and honoring this in everyone will save a lot of frustration and hurtful situations of every trying to “make” someone believe in everything that you do.
We also have to remember that we will still be tested no matter what obstacles we might have faced in the past. The incredible joy that we are able to feel through our spiritual connections will always be there but in these human lives, it ebbs and flows. We have to realize that we are not immune to future catastrophic events but we are much better equipped to handle them through our knowledge.
Many people try to practice spiritual technique without being able to work out ordinary human problems. They are unable to do the soul mastery work needed to raise their vibrational energy and don’t understand what they are doing wrong. They are spiritually gifted but their soul is left with unaccomplished themes, they feel disappointed inside. They sometimes resist feeling human emotion and hide from confrontation when this is exactly what they really needed to heal.
Remembering to practice trust in the Universe is also very important. How do we gain trust that everything is for a reason and in the end it will be okay?
By walking through fire successfully and overcoming fear. We also have to learn to balance common sense with spiritual matters. Building our consciousness collectively makes use of the higher energies needed to accomplish miracles in our lives. Have faith that doing the “soul work” matters. Practicing forgiveness, patience, compassion and courage all assist to balance the ego. This helps the process of channeling the pure light energy we are all part of.
We are never alone in our challenges and quests in these Earthly lives. We have to forgive and be kind to ourselves when we feel we have failed somehow. What we may consciously think of as a setback or failure is part of the process as we are still learning how to transmute light and positivity from negative situations. When we release the negative emotions and thoughts we may have gathered through the years, we lift not only our own vibration but everyone else around us as well. As we let go and live in the now, knowing the future already shines, we illuminate our souls!
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Judy Lunch is a Psychic Medium and Healing Light Energy Channel. President of the non-profit charity Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., She is an Author, Teacher, and is Dedicated to Healing. To learn more visit: http://www.judilynch.com
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.