Tenuous Hold on Peace
Celebrating International Day of Peace September 21
As we open our minds and hearts to the plenitude of wonders that exist in the realm of dimensional experience that is consciousness, perhaps one of the most difficult things to understand is the hold we might have on peace. Everyone “wants” peace in the world, and some of us manage to achieve it from time to time, which is great.
It can be particularly hard as mindful people, though, when we realize the need to “let go” of attachments. The constant urgency to move and grow means not hanging on to the things that constantly disrupt our life or weigh us down. Many fear that letting go will also cause us to forget what we have come to know about life itself.
All right, then; perhaps we can say that we have a “tenuous hold” on a number of things while we are here. As living beings having this life experience, we do find ourselves involved with a plethora of physical interactions in any given moment. Juggling describes the way we hold and release as we keep a number of objects afloat simultaneously. Who says we are not talented?
The hold we have at any point is described as tenuous because of what we do not know. Those who do think of the “what-ifs” in life have a clear, proactive idea of their own action of what to do when times get tough. The rest of us, who might react instead of act, can have a harder time getting by.
Maybe it is all in the preparation? The peace we enjoy in life we might come from considering the possibilities–including the unpleasant ones. It may be helpful to bring an umbrella when it is going to rain, but staying indoors during a thunderstorm would be less traumatic. We know everyone gets sick and dies, even us. Having legal paperwork in place, such as an advance directive or will, would help to ensure our final wishes. With less of a burden on loved ones, peaceful rest is all but assured.
Can we determine an instance when we do “not” have a tenuous hold? Life itself can be a delicate situation for some of us. It could mean one wrong turn, one breath or one bite of food away from a deadly result.
Relationships are as strong as the energies we put into them. We can enjoy peace with others, yet emotions and feelings are another area where we have a tenuous hold. One wrong word too many, and we might not know when that final straw will come to break the camel’s back.
Reactions being what they are, it might be a good idea to take a good, hard look at the many areas in life where our hold is weak in some way. Frustrations set in, tempers rise, and our hold on mindfulness, civility, and the parts of us that make us human can be called into question.
How does the view look from our road? Are we centered and stable or are we constantly grabbing for the gold or grasping at straws? How sure is our tenuous hold on what we can call our sanity?
Are we as balanced as we could possibly be, or are we extreme in our thoughts, words, and deeds? Do we go through life more attached to regret from our past than we do trying to make life better? What about letting go of sadness or sorrow to make more room for peace and serenity?
Do we welcome others to sit beside us or constantly find ways to remain distant, find fault, or place blame? Is it possible for us to let go of fears and insecurities long enough to enjoy some real comfort–maybe even take a step outside our comfort zone from time to time?
Can we help people laugh and feel good for at least a little while as we all make our way along? Humor can help us find truth in each other. At the very least, when the laughter dies down, we appreciate with relief that we all go through the similar difficulties from time to time.
Holding and releasing is an exercise that makes our life what it is. Being aware of the tenuous connection with peaceful moments can bring new experiences and move us in ways we might not otherwise attempt. We may just find that our life is that much fuller. Therefore, the next time someone suggests letting go, do it–and enjoy holding onto the peaceful, conscious change while it is in our grasp.
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Kathy Custren, OMTimes Magazine Senior Editor, strives for balance in life with a deep respect for all. Interests include education, elements, nature, humanity's cosmic origins, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Connect with "Consciousness Live" on WordPress and the community page "Consciousness Live" on Facebook. Read more at Mindblogger: http://kathyc-mindblogger.blogspot.com