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War Zone Within – Your Body as Your Personal Punching Bag

War Zone Within – Your Body as Your Personal Punching Bag

By Dr Chrys Ghiraldini

Are you using your body as a punching bag for your frustrations, abusing it in many ways and getting really aggravated when it doesn’t work the way you want it to?

What do you see and say to yourself when you look in the mirror? How much judgment do you have about your body: fat hips? Fat thighs? Flabby underarms? Big tummy?

The 3 most common mistakes you are doing that perpetuate the war against your body, and what to do to wage peace on yourself.

Mistake #1: You don’t drink enough water.

Your body is 80% water and water is needed for its optimal function. Still most people will not drink enough water because they feel embarrassed to have a big bottle of water on their desk or for fear of having to go to the bathroom too many times. Ideally you should drink half of your weight in ounces of water daily.

What to do instead:

1. Start your day drinking 3 large glasses of water. This makes it easier for you to drink your daily requirements of water. This habit also prevents you from developing kidney stones.

Coffee, tea and soda pull water out of your body (they also warrant extra bathroom trips), so drink 2 extra glasses of water for each cup of coffee and tea you drink.

2. Add a few drops of liquid minerals to your water to prevent frequent trips to the washroom.

Mistake #2: You wait too long to eat and then you eat junk food, which is usually readily available.

This habit creates a condition called hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, which over a prolonged period of time sets you up for diabetes and metabolic syndrome X.

What to do instead:

1. Eat smaller, smart meals every 3 hours and include some protein with each one. Avoid white flour and sugar, which not only add inches to your waist and cellulite in your thighs, but also create insulin resistance, a pre-diabetic condition.

2. Increase the amount of vegetables and fiber with your meals because they quench your hunger faster.

Mistake #3: You don’t sleep enough.

Your body regenerates itself during sleep. By reducing your rest time, you interfere with the circadian rhythms of your body, deplete your immune system, and increase your need for food.

See Also

What to do instead:

1. Go to bed before midnight so you don’t disrupt the circadian rhythms too much.

2. Sleep at least 7 hours per night. I know that this will require discipline on your part, yet the payoff is better health, vitality and youthfulness.

These simple changes will give your body a chance to start performing at a healthier level, which will decrease your need to fight with it constantly.

What other common mistakes are you making that compromise your health and keep you in a constant war against yourself?

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For over 2 decades Dr. Chrys has studied the secrets to health, vitality, youthfulness and longevity, and she wants to share with you the secret that brings everything together.

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