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For the Love of Dreams

For the Love of Dreams

By Lois Cheney

How much more wonderful and productive can our lives become when we dare to dream? Can we rise above our everyday routine to find a wider more dynamic existence as we sleep and dream? Fascination with dreams began long before the written word. Dream study and interpretation have been practiced for centuries. As far as can be determined it would seem that even early cave man sketched images of his dreams on the rock walls of caves.

The ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians greatly honored those individuals who were expert in interpreting dreams. Those ancient peoples also erected dream temples for the purpose of creating solutions to troublesome problems through a process of personally incubating or creating a dream answer by fasting and praying before sleeping in the temple.

Closer to today the Iroquois Indians of the Great Lakes believe in the healing power of dreams. In addition they feel that dreams reveal the “secret longings of the soul”. For those of you who desire the confirmation that you are correctly traveling your own life path, can you understand the comfort that would be yours if you knew your own soul’s longing and desire?

However simply as a way of contrast, consider the staggering amount of information that is currently available day-to-day on every imaginable subject. If it has been talked about, written, lectured on or otherwise brought to public attention, the internet search will find it and present it. There exists so much scientific and esoteric data both new and old seemingly pouring in from millions of sources. In light of this endless flood of data let us think whether it is really worth the extra time and effort to apprehend, record and analyze our personal sleeping dreams.

In other words, what part should dreams play in our lives in this apparently advanced age? After all with the help of the internet there is nearly no time at all involved in the transfer of any needed information to us.  The phrases “just Google it” or “go to Yahoo” have become part of our language. Yet many of us continue to studiously keep dream diaries or journals.

Sometimes we find meaning in those entries, many times not. Still through the process of dreaming it becomes ultimately worthwhile to access an ever wider variety of future possibilities along with more current choices. Could it be that if we choose to ignore our dreams we might be in danger of losing some all too valuable information and direction? It seems simply finding solutions to pesky everyday problems through dream work could allow us to move forward confidently with our larger and ultimately more effective plans.

One advantage to recording our dreams is with the passage of time we can find patterns emerge. By looking carefully at our own symbolic meanings the themes begin to clarify and repeat. Making our own “dream dictionary” can simplify interpretation. In other words what does it mean to me if I dream of eggs or midnight or the color yellow? With repeated effort and intention the whole process becomes much easier and a great deal more helpful!

Dreams come in so many varieties. Where do they come from? Is it our own dream maker or high self that sends them? Do they come from God or I Am? Could it be advice offered by our own guides, angels or master teachers? When our dream images successfully point us in a positive winning direction perhaps the source is not as important as the positive results.

Warning or prophetic dreams are not too common. They do present themselves from time to time but it is important to know that dreams also come in over lapping layers of meaning. While a dream may seem to “come true” in a few days or months that may be far from the sole purpose of it. When an apparently prophetic dream proves itself but does not have any direct effect on you, your friends, your family or associates, it is time to search for other more personal and symbolic meanings.

It is important to understand that a dream of death may have nothing to do with physical death. However it might portend the death of a specific relationship or simply the discarding or “killing off” of a particular personal belief system. Certainly a dream can be valuable in pointing out the true and possibly negative motivations of someone you are working with, thus saving you a lot of anguish and allowing you the option of “killing” that connection.

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It is easy enough to identify those dreams which are not actually dreams at all but clear visitations from spirits. For instance the spirit of the grandmother whom you loved so much when she was on earth might come to you at night. Those spirit visitations are easy to recognize because they do not come as a puzzle or metaphor but instead the spirit will present himself exactly as he or she would if you were talking together. A spirit visit will offer the same kind of conversation, wording and feeling that would have existed in earlier shared moments when the two of you were together. Usually there will be some kind of message or advice. Although many times the purpose of the visit is simply emotional comfort with an expression of love or forgiveness.

If you have any difficulty in recalling your dreams (you know we all dream every night!) try this simple solution: Before retiring tell yourself: “tonight I will dream. I love my dreams. In the morning I will remember the very last dream and record it!” It may take you two or three nights of instructing your subconscious but you will win. It is also a good idea to thank yourself or your dream maker for sending a dream. It not only shows your appreciation but it also encourages better “reception”.

I wish you happy, productive dreaming filled with useful information!

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