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Health Myth Buster: An Interview with Dr. Mark Hyman

Health Myth Buster: An Interview with Dr. Mark Hyman

By Karen M. Rider

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“Stop falling for the myths that make you sick,” says Mark Hyman, M.D. the New York Times bestselling author of the “Ultra” wellness series of books (see side bar). Dr. Hyman is a worldwide leader in functional medicine and four-time NYT bestselling author who advocates for a true understanding of the underlying causes of dis-ease. Based in 20 years of medical research and practice, Dr. Hyman tells us the science is irrefutable, the cures we seek for health concerns lies in a new science of staying healthy that dispels common myths that you, and your doctors, have believed for far too long:  Drugs cure disease; genes determine your fate; getting older means aging and slowing down; fat is a four-letter word. Dr. Hyman’s UltraMedicine approach identifies the primary causes for imbalances in the body, reveals how imbalances manifest, and how changes in diet and lifestyle will heal the body and mind.

In this interview, Dr. Hyman explains how functional medicine is different from other medical paradigms and he helps you learn to see through media hype, avoid health gimmicks, and take simple steps to enhance health and well-being.

Karen:  How is functional medicine (FM) different from other medical paradigms?

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Dr. Hyman:  The scientific and healthcare provider communities admit that the old medical model does not work. The body is a complex interconnected system of immune function, hormonal balance, detoxification, nutritional status and molecular, energetic and genetic functions. We have to understand our functions before we can respond in the appropriate way to create balance and build health. For the patient, FM provides a unified theory incorporates a comprehensive mix of therapies to facilitate the healing response.

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