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Health Myth Buster: An Interview with Dr. Mark Hyman

Health Myth Buster: An Interview with Dr. Mark Hyman

To understand how the brain “malfunctions” we have to ask, “Why do these symptoms exist?” “What is the cause?” Mounting research shows that it is not one thing but a myriad of things happening in the rest of the body. Often, imbalances are caused by a toxic diet—one that contains food additives, chemicals and sugar. In addition, sensitivities to things like gluten and dairy; or nutritional deficiencies of zinc, magnesium and B6; exposure to neurotoxins, lead or pesticides; and imbalance in the gastrointestinal system affects the body and the brain. Any, or all, of these could be the cause for depression, ADHD, anxiety and other brain disorders.

Karen:  How do genetics or family history come into play?

Dr. Hyman:  Genetics interact with environment to express the symptoms a person is suffering from. The reality is that we have the capacity to distinguish what the symptoms are and to treat the underlying causes, [which is more than just eliminating the symptoms].

We can treat the whole person resulting in dramatic outcomes for patients.

Karen:  What is the role of nutrition in predisposition to illness?

See Also
body types Ayurvedic-diet OMTimes

Dr. Hyman:  Food has the power to harm or the power to heal our metabolism by way of the genes that are affected. An emerging science, nutrigenomics examines how food affects our genes. The type of diet you eat can turn certain genes on or off, thus blocking or sending the messages that cause disease or create health in an individual.

Karen:  Many Americans are confused about what to eat. Is there agreement on any nutritional science concepts that consumers should know about?

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