OM Times Magazine October C 2012 Edition

It was written in the stars that Astrologer Kelli Fox would be on the cover of this edition of OM Times Magazine.
Kelli is one of the world’s best known and most respected Astrologers. She has been a prime force in moving astrology into the mainstream. She is the original creator of and her current work at is a standard in the industry. Among her many accomplishments is that she was the first member of the Founders’ Circle of Kepler College and is an emeritus member of its Board of Trustees. Kepler College is the first college in the western hemisphere authorized to issue BA, AA and MA degrees in Astrological Studies.
OM Times is a Holistic Green eZine with a Spiritual, Self-growth perspective for the Conscious Community. OM Times was created to share new ways of thinking to promote Healing on personal, community and global levels; and to bring attention to the individuals and organizations that are making a difference.
OM Times: The Cutting Edge of the Conscious Community.
To enjoy the full multimedia edition, including videos and mp3s, click the cover or:

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