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Releasing and Forgiveness

Releasing and Forgiveness

By Shelly Wilson

As a Spiritual Being in a physical body, I recognize that we are each having our own human life experience while incarnated on the Earth plane. We play a role in others’ life experience as they do in ours. Due to human nature, an individual will tend to hold on to the past and retain memories of experiences that they later regret having. In addition, some individuals may choose to live in the past rather than be fully present right here, right now.

When you allow yourself to view each experience as an opportunity for learning and growth rather than succumbing to the emotions involved in a less-than-desirable experience, you will ultimately shift your perception. Each new day presents a new beginning. The morning sunrise offers new daily adventures; whereas, the sunset signals that it is time for rest so that the cycle can begin again. Choosing to live a fulfilled life in the present time while refraining from being mired in the past will offer you the opportunity to create the life you truly desire.

Acknowledging, recognizing, and identifying exactly what aspects of your life that you desire to change is the first step in moving forward from the self-imposed restraints of past and even current experiences. In order to be successful, it is necessary to make a conscious and viable effort to release yourself from your past – specifically those experiences you may regret having. Memories and experiences that have been labeled unpleasant tend to remain in one’s subconscious and even conscious mind. These memories will inevitably churn and simmer if they are allowed to and will resurface every now and again at the least opportune times.

Individuals tend to replay scenarios over and over again and ask, “What could I have done differently?” or “What if…?” They also play the “should” game saying, “I should have done this or I should have done that….then, this would not have happened.” How can you be so sure? Hindsight, which is the ability of understanding later what was actually the best thing to do, is formidable. We tend to retain from experiences what is necessary for future growth.

In reality, the decisions we make at the time we made them are because we have freewill. Each one of us is having a human experience because we choose to. Learning from our experiences and not repeating them is a benefit to having them to begin with. When a similar experience is encountered, how you choose to perceive and then react will have an effect on the outcome.

With that said, it is now time to forgive yourself just as you would forgive another individual. Do not admonish yourself for the previous decisions you made and now regret. Do not allow those experiences to define you. Release yourself from the pain, heartache, and frustration you have been holding on to as well as any guilt and shame you may feel. Now is the time to release and let it go. The past is in the past; the past cannot be changed. Honor yourself and what you are feeling yet allow yourself to let go so that you can begin anew with the new day! New beginnings start with the release of old thoughts.

Releasing Exercise ~ Note: This exercise is intended to assist you in letting go of the past enabling you to move forward so that you can create the reality that you desire. Use this exercise to let go of the “stuff” you have been holding on to.

Take a moment to just BE. Sit up with your back straight and your palms up open to receiving. Close your eyes. Allow the memory of an experience or individual that you have labeled unpleasant to come into your consciousness. Do not relive the experience or try to remember the details. Simply allow this individual, event, or experience to come into your mind. Then, acknowledge and release this memory you have labeled unpleasant. Say aloud, “I acknowledge. I release.” Breathe in deeply and visualize yourself exhaling this experience or individual.

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Continue to allow memories of an experience or individual that you have labeled unpleasant to come into your mind in order for you to release them. It is imperative that you do not try to remember the details of these memories. Simply acknowledge and release them. Breathe in deeply and visualize yourself exhaling this experience or individual. Remember to honor yourself and what you are feeling.

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Shelly Wilson is an Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher Shelly Wilson would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. With respect, truth, integrity and love, Shelly honors your free will and recognizes that you are co-creating your reality with the Universe. She offers private readings, intuitive coaching, Reiki sessions, and teaches workshops. Shelly has two courses available through the DailyOM.

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