Soul Mates 101

Are you and your partner soul mates? What kind are you? There are three types: Twin Flames, Companion Soul Mates, and Twin Souls.
The Basics of Soul Mates
By Michelle Beltran
There is a pervasive misconception that we have one soul mate. In reality, we will have many soul mates in our lifetime. In addition, we will have many kinds along our journey. Some Soul Mate connections are in our human experience briefly, while others are in place for most or all of our lives. Some are in-depth and rich, while others are seemingly simple or meaningless. They all matter and have value. There is never an encounter we were not meant to have, be it short, long, in-depth, or seeming surface and simple. They assist us in shaping our own soul growth, and we agreed before we arrived on Earth to live out these life experiences together.
Three types of soul mates
Twin Flames – Twin Flames are the other part or half of your soul. In most cases, your twin flame is not actually living, and they do not experience human life at the same time that you are. Rather, they are on the Other Side, guiding and caring for you from there. In some cases, this soul mate may indeed incarnate with you. When this happens, you will know this soul mate because there is incredible chemistry and it is highly charged. If you are apart from this person, there is a very deep longing for them. This person is not necessarily always a good match for you, as one might think. This is because the similarity is that immense – it makes for a chaotic relationship as the two of you are so alike. In addition, they generally reflect everything about yourself that you don’t like. To be compatible with this person, each must be very comfortable and at peace with their own higher truest self.
Companion Soul Mates – These can also be called Kindred Spirits or Teacher Soul Mates. These are those people who come into your life for a particular reason and duration. They may be friends, teachers, or mentors who have presented at particularly challenging times in your life and/or at a time when you may pursue a very important goal. These soul mates are voices of encouragement and support. This soul mate could even be the person who helps when your car breaks down.
Twin Souls – Twin souls are those people we share a close friendship with and we feel very comfortable and relaxed with. You have many prior lives with this person, and you will likely live many again with them. With this person, you will recognize that open and natural relationship. This soul mate connection is quite similar to the Companion Soul Mate. However, the difference is the bond is stronger and longer. This relationship is often a close friend or family member. There is often a highly spiritual or even telepathic connection with this person, and you may sometimes feel you don’t even need to use words to communicate with them. You might also find that your life experiences parallel one another.
How do I find mine?
Stay in tune and aligned with your spiritual and higher self. The best way to do this is through some kind of quiet time and in a place of thoughtlessness, commonly called meditation. It is unnecessary to search for your soul mate as these uniquely powerful connections present effortlessly at the perfect time. There is nothing you need to do.
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About the Author
Michelle Beltran is a medium, psychic, spiritual teacher, and remote viewer. Learn more about Michelle by visiting:
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With all due respect this is a very poorly researched and written article. I found it did not explain the true nature of the Twin Flame relationship. A Twin Soul relationship will have many uncanny parallel experiences and similarities. Many of the life experiences will be the same , but many will be diametrically opposed. Often Twin Souls will take opposite sides in order to experience and learn from. For this reason it is difficult for them to get and stay together. Their similarities draw them close and they have uncanny synchronicity’s. They also may have been enemies in past lives on opposite sides. Also that is not true that our Twin Flames live on the other side. We often simply don’t meet them or get together with them in a lifetime. Many Twin Flame reunions are taking place. Break-ups occur as one Twin Flame many not have reached a higher state of consciousness yet. It’s also not true that you have to do nothing to meet your Twin Flame. You must do the inner work in order to have a meeting and a significant relationship . Many are reaching that point but still find it difficult. You also may consult with your spirit guides, Mother /Father God or pray for a meeting with your Twin Flame. Often they have both been praying to meet one another. The love will run deep in these relationships and there is no other like this one as far as feeling like the other person is You. They may meet most of your fantasies in many ways. But only if they have cleared their energies and are ready for the relationship will it be successful.
You also made a mistake . You put Twin Souls where you should be putting
Soul mates on page 2. Looks like a hastily written article with no attention to the details.
Soul mates are real. I don’t care how crazy it sounds. In my heart, I know it is not just a generic, dumb concept created by society and blah blah. I believe in love that powerful. I truly believe that there is one soul mate out there for everybody.
Thank you ?