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The Relaxed Soul: The Mind Chatter of Doing

The Relaxed Soul: The Mind Chatter of Doing

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When we quiet the mind of all the chatter we are able to hear deeply instead of just hearing superficially. Mind chatter fills the void… but it’s usually devoid of wisdom.

Wisdom never shouts… it only whispers… and if the chatter in your head is so loud that it drowns out the whispers… peace will always evade.

Doing is similar, just doing things to do them without regard for the self (The We All Inclusive), and the need for inner silence and the ability to hear the still small voice… it overpowers wisdom. But this is nothing new, down through the ages people have been frantic thinking that doing more will lead to peace…  the world has moved into a time of doing with lots of depression, stress, and anxiety as proof of what’s going on.

Doing is great, but balance is important. 

The Ying and Yang of the Tao, needs always be in balance, even the seasons need to be in balance, the earth needs balance with the moon, the everything in the Universe needs balance with the ether. So why do we think that doing without balance will create a wonderful outcome?

We need action… otherwise nothing gets done, yet the world needs doing with wisdom and wisdom is what we have lacking in the world.

If there were no shortage of wisdom the world would be a different place… a place filled with love, for God, Tao, The Universe and all of Life.

It’s great to plant a mighty oak tree that creates doing (work) created from the lumber of the tree, but from the seeds of wisdom fruit love and compassion. And the stone of that fruit bears again as healing for the mind, body and spirit… thus the world moves into a whole new vibration of endless healing.

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Dr. Paul Haider is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of many books, having created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on radio shows and television. His books “Relax into Success” and “21 Ways to Live a Stress Free Life in Only 21 Days” have sold countless copies.

To learn more about Dr Paul Haider, visit

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