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Think you are RIGHT? Think again!

Think you are RIGHT? Think again!

By Annalisa Corti

“You are so wrong about that!”

“I know I am right about this!” 

Sound familiar? If yes, read on, this article can open up your mind. If not, congratulations on having risen above a life based on fear and duality, feel free to read on just for the fun of it.   

Where do right and wrong come from?  Why are our societies so trapped in these value/moral judgments?  Is there an alternative way to view the world and to make experience of it?  The western world prides itself on the norms, rules, legislations that officially define what is right or wrong.  Countries, believing to have found the right formula of civilization and democracy, persuade, blackmail, or downright impose their political systems on other countries ruled by, what they perceive to be, the wrong political systems.  Religious groups from all over the world are ready to proclaim that their way is the right way to go to Heaven or Hell.  Even spiritual teachers and movements often sell their teachings and techniques as the right ones to attain spiritual enlightenment.  A simpler example can be that of parenting styles.  Pick one street in any city of the world.  Each family on that same street is likely to have a different, yet absolutely right, view on how to raise children. 

Yet, history has repeatedly shown us that moral compasses shift and change every century or decade, depending on the issue at hand.  The easiest example is the good, old, surely-well-intentioned Catholic Church, who has changed their “rules” on so many different occasions it is hard to keep count.  It was a sin to eat meat on Friday, and then it no longer was.  There was a limbo (for children who died without being baptized), and then there wasn’t.  Similarly, heretics used to be tortured and burnt.  Today, people with documented different views are considered luminaries.  Women, presumed to be witches, were burned at the stake, but they no longer are.  Inter-racial marriages used to be wrong; today they are common practice in many parts of the world.  Today’s current judgments are about homosexual marriages, transsexual operations, abortion, and the use of euthanasia, just to name a few.

How long until these issues will cease to be judged as morally inappropriate and wrong? Would we feel compelled to label events and people as right and wrong if we recognized ourselves as part of every living being around us?  Would we dare to judge events and people as right and wrong if, anchored in universal one-ness, we truly realized how abundant we are of everything?  When we are disunited from our true Divinity, we live with the fear of not having enough love, money, power, influence, health, life, etc.  We remain trapped in moral judgments because our fear-based existence, laden with insufficiency rather than abundance, compels us to compete for all that we desire.  In order to obtain – through recognition and requirement – the love, the money, the power, and so on, we create moral- value- based systems that classify everything to trigger safety, compliance and adhesion.  Our entire lives become a series of right or wrong ways to think, speak or do.

It is all a matter of perception.  Test it out with a simple exercise:

 – List three things that you strongly, deeply, emotionally, find to be absolutely wrong

Now, list two ways for each item in which this could benefit other people, any other person, in any way. 

 It begs the question who comes up with these moral rules?  Who tells who that this is the right way?  Is it really God? Or, is it man who is making it all up as he goes along? 

The message in Conversations with God “there’s no such thing as right and wrong” is revolutionary insofar as it invites each person to shift his or her focus from judgment to introspective observation.  It also puts forth an alternative existential question through which we can view the world and experience it. 

n theirs, having forgotten that others are a mere extension of ourselves, and that we all are an extension of All That Is.  Subsequently, if there is disagreement, we may attempt to impose our ways on them, punishing through alienation, aggression, disapproval or neglect.  On the other hand, observational discernment is when, through honest introspection, we recognize that the situation we are observing may not produce the desired outcome of growth, expansion, harmony and fulfillment.  While our instinct may be to jump in and change the situation, we should opt to gain a deeper understanding of our inner truth.  What is this particular situation showing me about myself?  How can I make peace with this finding?  Who do I want to be with respect to this situation? 

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Ultimately it is all about being-ness.  Are we human beings, and as such, are we anchored in being manifestations of Divine Love unconditionally and without boundaries?  If we accept that each single life on this planet is inter-connected with every other life, through one-ness, then each word or action towards another should be filled with the same gentleness and tolerance that we grant ourselves.  If we accept that our souls have incarnated to reunite with their Divine essence, then the compass can no longer be set on right or wrong, but it has to be one of efficiency and efficacy.  Will this word declare that I am a being of Light?  Will this action declare that I am an all-loving expression of God?  There will be those amongst us who are not interested in declaring they are an expression of God.  The honor rests with the rest of us to be a concrete expression of Divinity.  As long as one person is awake, another will always follow, our souls are united – at the very least – on one mission: collective awakening.

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Annalisa lives in Florence, Italy, is the Education Coordinator at the Italian Centre for Conversations with God; a licensed Naturopath and Spiritual Counselor.  She is trained in the CWG material, TCM, Spagyric Medicine, Psychosomatic Diagnosis, Mindfulness Meditation, and Reiki.  She is writing her first book on applied spirituality and enjoys writing articles for the heart and soul. Connect with her on

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