What is it That We Want Most in Life?
By Nadia Khalil Bradley
We want vitality. We want to be able to say what we mean and mean what we say. We have lost sight of both, and because of this we have found many complications to fill in the gaps that existed before.
It is life that we came to Earth to live and yet we are living what our everyday life is telling us, rather than making our lives what we want them to be. We gave up but we do not even know that we’ve given up, let alone how or why. We put love last in line and don’t bring it up until we have time for it; in doing so we lost our will in everything where love is absent. That very absence of love has set the tone for our lives and has done so for many years. Love is so far away from us that we believe that living without it is a way of life. We believe that love may or may not come to us while we’re alive. And we’ve accepted this as fact. In truth, love is already here. It is overlooked as if it were an option and novelty.
What happened to us in this shortchanging of love?
What happened is that we now feel unloved. We do not even know how to love ourselves or even what loving ourselves looks like. We lost the simplicity of believing that WE are love, of knowing that we can love, and that we can solve our issues through love. The backs shelves of our lives are full of love-filled projects that get dusty, but we never get a chance to clear the dust off. We’re always saying that we’re on our way to getting to those projects, but then we never do. “Being on the way” has become a way of life.
So how do you turn this around?
Start with a pen and paper. Write down everything you have put off and still want to do. Ask yourself why you haven’t done those things yet. How long has it been since you’ve been thinking about completing those love-filled projects? Write down every excuse you’ve used to not get to it. Ask yourself WHY you still want to do it. Reaffirm its importance and why you want to get to it.
We turn our souls around by asking ourselves questions. At times we even put that off, however then you simply have to be honest enough with yourself and say, “I must not have really wanted to do this or that, because my actions are telling me so.” And then comes another question and that is, “Why do I put myself in a position to go on wild goose chases and why have I made this my way of life?
How do we find our way out of this cycle?
By simply waking up one day and saying to yourself, “I owe it to myself to give me at least one day in life that I will not accept any excuses from anyone, including myself, to do what I desire to do or say.” Do not tell anyone you are doing this or the focus will be on how you’re doing this great thing, instead of you actually doing it. Whatever you do and whenever you do it, just do it from your heart. Learn to listen to your heart rather than focusing on what someone else things you should listen to. Take residence within your own soul and see what it feels like to pay attention to yourself. Say something, do it and grow from it.
We have found every excuse and every way to put off doing the things that bring us most joy and love. However, we can make the decision to do just the opposite. We can make anything happen that we’ve set our minds to. If you feel uncomfortable or out of practice about really listening to your soul, tell yourself that it is OK to feel that uncomfortable; that you will one day it’ll get easier and that you’ll find true comfort in listening to your own soul. Once you’re there, the feelings and knowing that you get will never go away. That’s all there is to it. You’ve just created a new way, a new avenue, path and bridge to your own soul. All it takes is one day of trying and doing, rather than a lifetime of thinking about it.
What do we want most in life?
We want to trust our soul. Stop putting off those love-filled projects and learn to listen to your soul and you will get there in no time.
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Nadia Khalil Bradley is the author of “Little Wing” and “Origins of Truth.” She is getting ready to release her latest book, “Original Love.” Nadia is a teacher of accountability, growth and love. Through her books and writings she takes your soul on a journey of self discovery that will ultimately lead you to live in a state of utmost truth, love and purity. Visit Nadia at Nadiakhalil.com to learn more.
For Daily inspirations, follow Nadia on Facebook.
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