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21 Ways to Heal Nerve Pain Naturally

21 Ways to Heal Nerve Pain Naturally

heal nerve pain naturally

Many people have nerve pain from diabetes, injuries, surgery and many other causes, but there are ways to heal nerve pain naturally.

21 Ways to Heal Nerve Pain Naturally



First of all, find out what’s causing your nerve pain and work to cure the cause. If you have diabetes then you have to work to lower your blood sugar levels and perhaps if you are newly diagnosed as being diabetic then perhaps you can turn it around and get things back to normal with exercise, diet, and great herbs. Also, excessive alcohol used can start the process of nerve pain and thus cutting back or stopping the use of alcohol can stop the cycle. Singles can cause nerve pain and are directly associated with stress… learn to relax, meditate and take time for yourself. Hormones problems can also lead to nerve pain, make sure to have your thyroid levels checked, your thyroid could be the culprit. Even being depressed can start the cycle of stress that leads to nerve pain.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #1. Green Juicing is very important, green juicing will stop the cycle of chronic inflammation and thus get your inflamed nerves back in shape. Juicing cucumbers, celery, kale, parsley, spinach, broccoli, and any other greens will get you back on track. Stay away from white bread, processed foods, artificial colors and flavors, sweets, corn oils, fast food, and lots of caffeine (green tea is OK). Also green juicing can help you cleans your body of toxins that might be causing your nerve pain.

Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #2. Drink lots of water, water is the main ingredient in your body and without water you can start the inflammation process, drink water even before you are thirsty.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #3. Ginger is great for nerve pain… and will help to get rid of inflammation and thus lower the inflammation of all the nerves in your body.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #4. Turmeric is one of the best herbs for inflammation and will stop the process and help you to feel like new again.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #5. Herbs like Vervain, Wild Lettuce, Valerian, Crampbark, and St. Johns Wort will also lower inflammation and help to relax and soothe your jangled nerves at the same time, plus help in the healing process of nerves and lower your stress level.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #6. Omega 3 oils are very important, Omega 3 oils are full of great anti-inflammatories and will help to sooth away inflammation and start the healing process.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #7. Skullcap helps to strengthen the nervous system and bring relief to inflamed nerves that need attention.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #8. Lobelia is another herb that helps to soothe, relax, and get rid of tension caused by contracted muscles putting pressure on nerves.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #9. Black Cohash works great with some of the relaxing herbs already mentioned above, especially valerian. Helping to sooth, and regenerate irritated nerves and get the body moving in the right direction for healing.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #10. Damiana works wonders if your nerve pain is caused by exercising too hard or having an accident that caused trauma to some area of your body.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #11. Antioxidants are important, start taking Acai Berry, Camu Camu Fruit, Grape Seed Extract, Avocado Seed Extract, and many more great antioxidants.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #12. Bitters are important for the body and some say that taking Swedish Bitters (which you can order online) can help to heal nerve pain.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #13. Acupuncture can start the process of getting the power of chi moving in your body. Also learning to move chi in your body can help, learn QiGong or Tai Chi, both of which help circulate and build vital energy.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #14. Arnica, Peppermint oil, and topical creams containing Capsaicin applied topically can work to fight inflammation and help with the pain.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #15. Take supplements (vitamin deficiencies can cause nerve pain) that promote nerve regeneration such as B Vitamins (especially B-1, B-6, and B-12), Vitamins D & E, Zinc, Inositol, L-Carnitine, Lipoic Acid, N-Acetylcysteine, and GABA.

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Conquer Daily Stress OMTimes


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #16. Meditate is important, meditate first thing in the morning and the last thing at night for 15 to 20 minutes. Meditation calms the mind/body causing inflammation to subside.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #17. Walk, walking is not only good for the body, but it also works great for the mind. Walking gets endorphins going in your body thus generating serotonin in your brain… so slowly your aches and pains start to disappear.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #18. Yoga is great for nerve pain and will sooth away those burning sensations with easy stretching and get your mind and body on the right track. Self-hypnosis and Biofeedback can also help lower or even end your nerve pain.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #19. Lose weight, being obese can start the inflammation process and just losing a few pounds can lower pain level and get you moving.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #20. Get a good night’s rest, without sleep you start the cycle of chronic inflammation, so find out what’s causing you from not sleeping well and start sleeping deeply.


Heal Nerve Pain Naturally #21. Read OMTimes regularly for helpful articles and Conscious Living tips (OK…this isn’t specifically a tip to heal nerve pain, but it is a great idea!)

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About the Author

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at – feel free to contact him any time.

View Comments (31)
  • Here is one more for you. This is a new formula that was 20 years in the making. After much research to help children coming off chemo they found the oil extract of 3 seeds of which Black Seed is the main ingredient. Google search ( Chronic Pain Relief Fast wakeupgethealthy ) For months I had chronic left shoulder pain waking me up from sleep. Just 2 months ago I found this Black Seed formula and has done wonders for me. Ithas been proven that this formula is 281 times stronger than aspirin to fight inflammation. Help us get the word out.

  • Where do you get this . Im suffering from severe nerve damage pain . I need something that will help me get back on my feet .

  • The other thing to research is lunasin but only the bioactive form. Not he synthetic. Works on epigenetic level! you want pure lunasin. 70+clinical studies

  • “Singles can cause nerve pain and is directly associated with stress…” – perhaps you meant “shingles” in the first paragraph of this article! 😉
    My nerve pain is caused by Chronic Lyme disease. A lot of people AND doctors don’t realize that is a common symptom of Chronic Lyme disease. My neurologist never figured it out! One important item this article failed to mention was SUGAR and how it feeds inflammation. Definitely a no-no!

  • Doctors who are paying attention to symptoms and with improved testing are now seeing more MGUS (Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined signifigance). They may need to rename it because it is very significant! Is precursor for host of immune disorders not the least of which is Multiple Myeloma. My symptom to start the ball rolling was peripheral neuropathy. Now know I also have severe arthritis many places and common use of antidepressants to help nerve pain is effective but causes many things not the least of which seems to be dizzyness. Have stopped that but now actively attempting to control thru other means. Thanks for the article!

  • Get your B12 tested, especially if you are older and have been feeling fatigued and/or mentally down! If your B12 level is on the low end, push your doctor to find out why. Some commonly used medications impair B12 absorption (PPIs, H2 blockers, and antacids, for example).

    I had neuropathic pain in my feet for over a year and it took my doctor that long to figure out it was due to low B12 (caused by pernicious anemia in my case). A B12 deficiency longer than 6 months may result in permanent nerve damage. In the US, the low B12 cutoff of 200 is considered too low by some in the medical community. Anything within 200 – 400 pg/mL should be considered to be in the gray area and get investigated. Mine was 196, my doctor wanted to write it off as normal. Since I felt so crummy I pushed for more tests and that is when my PA was discovered.

  • This is fascinating. I have neuropathy and welcome any natural treatment to lessen it and make it go away. I’ve had chemo and survived pancreatic cancer, so this is the last residual sign of all my dear body has endured. Am taking note and plan to implement as many of these as possible until all is gone.

  • Sorry, if you have to make me go to many pages full of ads to follow your stories, I get my info elsewhere

  • Hello!
    I am a severe chronic pain sufferer for the last 21+ years. Since June 22, 1994 to be exact.
    I had a breach birth delivery on the morning of that day that wrecked my lower back, sacrum, both hips etc etc. Since that time I have suffered horribly every day and have been treated by a Neurologist who specializes in people like me who cannot be fixed or healed. He retired in May 2015 and passed me to a fellow Dr whose staff hates the Medicare paperwork etc and I have been without my Botox injections for 2mos now. The nerve pain is debilitating and I cannot bear weight on my back, hips & legs. I try for a few seconds and drop to the nearest chair, bed or the floor to get OFF my lower body. Most doctors do not know anything about herbal remedies by themselves or in conjunction with other medications and neither do the pharmacies. How can I find out how much Chorydalis to take to stop or help the nerve pain, throbbing, aching, muscles spasming and twitching from back down into thighs and calves??
    Please Help? I’m at my wits end and my life has turned into a living Hell since being handed over to this new doctor. There has got to be something to let me live again.
    Thank You Ever So Much,
    Kelly B.

  • So sorry to hear about how much pain you are in Kelly. I don’t know if this is a good treatment fit for what is causing your pain, but have you looked into prolozone injections?

  • I was really interested in reading this article, because I suffer from severe nerve pain. I was interested in natural ways to ease the pain. However, this article lost all validity when I found the author and editor could not even check for errors in the introduction. Unless, of course, “Singles can cause nerve pain” as opposed to shingles, or “excessive alcohol used can start the process of nerve pain” instead of excessive alcohol use. Such simple errors, but such very different meanings. Now I feel there is no value or truth to this article.

  • Get a new doctor. Just because your old doctor “passed you” to a fellow doctor doesn’t mean you have to use him. YOU are in charge of your treatment.

  • Saying that caffeine is bad but green tea caffeine is OK makes no sense. Saying that getting rid of pain is as simple as putting everything green in your blender and drinking it is ridiculous.

  • Where the heck is the rest of the article. Seems to me they’re more interested in getting you to click on ads.

  • Scroll up-just above the heart with like under it the pages are listed to move forward.

  • Hi people i need urgent help please,,,for nearly two years now i have been suffering from chronic pain, burning and without feeling cold or hot from my left button down to my feet,i have taken medications like pregabalina ratiopharm but to no avail,can anyone advice me on what to do to help my dairly stressless life please.thanks

  • I like this website, but I would love to be able to mute the music. I can’t find where to do that.

  • How do you recommend taking all of those supplements? Teas? Tincture? Capsules? It would be a lot of tea to drink on a daily basis.

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