The Art of Moving On: 5 Steps to Help the Move

Moving on can be tough when you have broken up a relationship, but these tips will help make moving on easier.
The Art of Moving On
By Chanel
Moving on is the hardest thing to do. There is no real art or knack to it. It seems that no matter how many times you break up with someone moving on isn’t something that gets any easier.
Many say time is a healer. Personally, I don’t agree. I feel experience and wisdom are the greater healers. By this, I mean that when we learn and apply our lessons we move on at a quicker rate. I can literally hear you going “You what love!”. So, let me explain. If you look back to when you broke up with someone in the past what attitude helped you move on? Did mopping around the house all day thinking about what you coulda, shoulda done help you? Probably not! When you were at this stage you probably felt worse and you probably cried more and cried harder. When you decided to adopt a fresh attitude, put your best foot forward and move on with your life, concentrating your mind and energy elsewhere. Is that what helped you move on? On reflection of my own experience, I can tell you that it’s the latter attitude that helped me most.
What we think about, we create. Something that we often forget. The Mind is a powerful tool controlling outlet thoughts and our body. If we keep our mind in a state of reflecting on the past we hold ourselves prisoner in the past, making no room for new experiences, opportunities, and people. So as much as we want to move on wherever we allow our mind to travel to that is where we shall remain. That is the reality that is given to us. However, when we make the choice to change our thinking and take control of our mind we stand a greater chance of steering our life in the direction we want it to go in. It is then we can create new images and scenarios in our mind that have the greatest potential of drawing in what we want and who we want.
The power this has on our own lives and that of the ex who broke our heart is immense. You see for as long as you still think about your ex, reflect on what we wrong, what you could have done, what you want to do now that energy is what is being projected into the Universe. When you keep looking at their pictures, reading their texts/emails and sniffing their sweaty T-shirt that they left at your house you are sending out the energy that you still want them and there is no room for anyone new. Your ex feels that energy, that vibration and that has the effect of keeping them where they are; be it single and playing with the boys or with the other woman. This energy is felt by them and makes them, almost feel safe. Safe in the knowledge that you may say you hate them but your energy vibration makes them feel different, although I doubt they understand why and how this is so.
When you disconnect your energy. When you truly change your thought pattern and actually move on this energy is blasted out into the Universe. This is usually when you start to feel better. You start attracting new people, opportunities, and experiences into your life. It is then that the ex usually reappears. Something in the air makes them aware that you are not sitting looking at their pictures and thinking of them. So, how do you move on quicker?
5 Steps to Help Moving On
1. Disconnect from their energy
Get rid of the photos or that smelly T-shirt of his. All those texts and email; get rid of them all. If you have to then block them on Facebook. That way you no longer have that connection or temptation to look at or contact them.
2. Change your thinking
At first, you will feel great when you do this but there will be times, probably at nights, when you feel lonely. It is then that you may think of them. Don’t! If you do start to think of them then change the thought – think about something or someone else. Anything or anyone except them.
3. Love yourself and get comfy with who you are
This could be as simple as writing positive affirmations that you say to yourself every day. Failing that write a list of all the things that make you a great person. Read over that list when you feel like shit or when you are tempted to think of or message them. The list will show you why they are no longer worthy of you and why you are truly amazing.
4. Get clear about what and who you want in your life
Think about and even write down what kind of partner you want to attract into your life. Do some cosmic ordering. Get a new group of friends if needs be so that you can put yourself in the places where who you want can come into your life.
5. Be patient and be kind to you It won’t be easy.
Although it bloody well sounds it. For that reason, it’s important to be kind to you and be patient. If you can find other people who are going through your situation then great you can socialize together or motivate each other. In time and with practice it will become easier and you will move on.
There is no better time to move on than now. So, what are you waiting for – get on with it! In doing so you move on quicker and attract him back, if that’s what you want. But to be honest the focus should be on you moving forward. If this is the case you heal and move on faster. Him coming back will be irrelevant and you will have found someone way more deserving of you anyway.
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About the Author
Chanel is a psychic advisor and Angelic Reiki Healer, who specializes in the areas of psychic development, love, career, and business. For years, writing has been her private passion but now she is sharing this with the world, writing about anything that interests or inspires her always giving it that spiritual edge.

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