Using Numerology to Look Into Your Future

You can use your Personal Year Number in Numerology to look into your future.
Looking Into Your Future with Numerology
By Alison Baughman
Numerology is an ancient Divination tool, based on the teachings of Pythagoras, that uses your date of birth and the name you were given to discern your “Cosmic Code”. If you truly understood your personal Numerology, a world of information about your soul’s journey in this lifetime would open up for you. Although there are many numbers in a person’s Numerology chart, the one that you should pay careful attention to is your Personal Year Number. It literally gives you the ability to peer into your future, letting you know in advance what to expect.
How to find your Personal Year Number:
Write out your Date of Birth.
First, we need your MONTH:
January is a 1, February is a 2, March is a 3, April is a 4, May is a 5, June is a 6, July is a 7, August is an 8, September is a 9, October is a 1 (1+0=1), November is an 11 (Master Numbers are not reduced) and finally December is a 3 (1+2=3).
Now we need your DAY Number:
If you were born on the 1st through the 9th, just write down the number of the day you were born. If you were born on the 10th through the 31st, you will have to reduce that number to a single digit. To reduce to a single digit, simply add the 2 numbers together. For example, if you were born on the 23rd, add 2+3 which equals 5 and you would know your Day number is a 5. NOTE: The only exception is if you were born on the 11th or the 22nd which are Master Numbers and in Numerology, we do not reduce a Master Number.
* If you were born on the 29th you would add 2+9 which equals an 11 and because we do not reduce a Master Number, you would write down an 11 for your Day Number.
Finally, we need the UNIVERSAL YEAR Number
2013 is a 6 Universal Year. We determine that by adding the Year across ( 2+0+1+3=6)
Now add your MONTH number to your DAY number to the UNIVERSAL YEAR number. Again, if you arrive at a double-digit number, you will have to reduce to a single digit by adding the two digits together.
Now let’s talk about what the Personal Year Number MEANS :
Numerology Personal Year Number 1
Your 1 Year is time of change, progress, and new beginnings. Whatever you do this year will have a significant effect on what you will be doing over the next 9 years of your life. Create new goals and begin the work to achieve them. Seek out new opportunities and take advantage of them without hesitation. You can begin something new such as starting a new business, even expanding an existing business in a new direction or taking on new interests or activities. A new romance is also a possibility. You may find hidden tests of your character in this year and you must show what you have and what you can do. Individuality, independence, and courage are needed to navigate your 1 Personal Year.
Numerology Personal Year Number 2
Your 2 Year dictates that your success and happiness depend, to a great extent, upon how much tact, diplomacy and cooperation you use in dealing with others. You may find yourself in the role of a mediator more than once in a 2 year. Diplomacy must be used and your patience will be tested but know that is the only way to proceed in this year because anything else will actually cause a break in relationships or problems. It is not a year to be aggressive. The plans or new things you began in your 1 year are still in the growing stages so this is a year to remain patient. It is not unusual for a person to feel indecisive in a 2 Year so be patient, even with yourself. This year can bring new partnerships, new friends and even a soul-mate relationship.
Numerology Personal Year Number 3
Your 3 Year is perfect timing to make the best possible use out of your creative talents and abilities. Any activities having to do with writing, acting or singing are greatly enhanced. It is a year to use your creative talents although you may have to work harder at remaining focused. What inspires you? Express yourself! Pleasure, travel, an active social life, and entertainment are keywords for this year. Use your imagination. Spend time thinking about your dreams and visualize your future as you wish to create it. This year places emphasis on friendships old and new. It deals with the joy of friendship but also the problems associated with them. Do not let what your friends think influence you or become overly important as this is where some problems this year may lie. Be careful of gossip or being careless in what you say. Your words may come back to haunt you. Just stay positive in all that you do and say. Romance is on the agenda. It is a year to bring out your inner child and find the joy in life and living. Practice smiling more often, be cheerful, avoid moodiness and stay optimistic.
Numerology Personal Year Number 4
Your 4 Year emphasizes “getting down to business” and you may work harder at your career (or at home if you do not have a job) in this year than most years. It is a time to be practical and down to earth. You will find that you have little time for personal pleasure or vacations. This is a building year for your future and by the time it is all said and done, if you put in the effort this year, you will have made a significant contribution to your security in the future and rewards will follow. It is a time to be organized, pay attention to details and to work hard. No procrastinating. It is not a good year to take a risk or to try to cash in on a get rich scheme because luck is in someone else’s future this year. You may feel limitations and restrictions around you in a 4 year as because you must carefully follow the rules. This year wants us to stabilize all areas of our life including our health, so you may need to do some work in that area. The stress of your workload can also take its toll on your health so be sure to pace yourself. If you are the type of person who is normally scattered, this is the year when you may feel a bit more disciplined.
Numerology Personal Year Number 5
Your 5 Year requires you to be very flexible and adaptable because the Universe is about to put you on a bit of a roller coaster ride for the year and change is definitely on the agenda. You gain freedom this year which is such a relief from the limitations of last year. You may feel a bit uncertain as if you are wondering just what might come next but it is an exciting year. This is a wonderful year for career expansion as there is a great opportunity for advancement and progress. If you are unhappy in your job, the energy of this year will allow you to actually change jobs. It also can allow for a change in residence and even a change in relationships. It is a good year for traveling, adventure, new experiences and promoting your ideas. Just be sure you do not have too many irons in the fire, taking on more than you can handle. Be careful of overindulgence in a 5 year, when it comes to the physical body, moderation is the key. Many affairs happen in 5 years.
Numerology Personal Year Number 6
Welcome to the year of duty and responsibility to family because you can bet they will be plentiful this year. You may have a new addition to the family in or perhaps someone in the family is in ill health and you find yourself caring for them in a very real way. This is the year for you to accept the responsibility for caring for your loved ones and do it selflessly and compassionately and with a happy heart. You must maintain harmony in your life when it comes to your home life, family and friends because if not, you might find yourself parting ways. Many divorces happen in a 6 year in fact. This is a year that tests our relationships. On the flip side, this year can bring you a committed relationship that leads to marriage. This is a good year for business and not one where you have to be overly concerned with money. You may receive a promotion and increase in pay but it comes with additional responsibility. Artistic endeavors are supported in this year especially in the areas of music and interior design. You could find yourself focusing on your home and doing repairs and renovations.
Continue reading on the next page.
Numerology Personal Year Number 7
Your 7 Year is quite like being on sabbatical and one guided more by intuition than by reason. It is an important year in your soul development. This is a quiet year and one for rest and reflection. You may find that you require additional sleep this year. You also could find yourself feeling a bit withdrawn from your usual outgoing self and spending more time alone. You may question the meaning of your life and delve into more philosophical pursuits. It is a time to meditate and look deeper into your inner self. This year is like a mental house cleaning, taking stock of who you are and what is important to you. It is a time to think not act. The 7 is a highly spiritual number and in a 7 year you may open yourself up to a more spiritual philosophy if you have not already. It is not a year to be concerned with business and, in fact, you may find that you have unusual circumstances which enable you to take some time off from work such as a temporary layoff or perhaps you get time off because of a medical condition. Have faith that what you need will be provided. It is a great year for education, research, and teaching. The focus of this year is inner development.
Numerology Personal Year Number 8
Your 8 Year is the year of accomplishment. You may receive recognition, promotion, advancement, and improvements in your financial affairs. It is a time to use good judgment and be practical, efficient and resourceful. You may be surprised the role powerful and influential people play in your life this year. It is not a time to be focused on the money (however, you will) but to be focused on what you can achieve in this year. Set some goals this year and work towards achieving them. There will be real material progress by years end. With that being said it is also a year which brings Karmic balance to your life. If there are debts owed, they will be collected.
Numerology Personal Year Number 9
Your 9 Year brings completion, finishing up all old business and making way for a new beginning. It is a time to let go of those things in your life which no longer serve your greatest and highest good. Things you may very well have brought into your life in the past 8 years but have now decided you no longer want or need them. It is time to leave behind anything that has acted as an obstacle in your life. You may decide to leave a job that you are unhappy in or end a relationship which does not fulfill you. If someone is leaving your life in a 9 year, it is best to just let them go and not try to hang on to them. If something or someone is moving out of your life, try to look at the situation in the light that it is clearing the way for your future happiness. Regardless of what it is, you are doing a house cleaning of your life. It is not a good year to start anything such as a new business venture or a marriage but better to wait for next year to do this. Whatever you do, this is the year to remain tolerant, forgiving and compassionate and this year will turn out to be beneficial. There may be much emotion attached to this letting go year but it is necessary to prepare you for the new opportunities next year.
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About the Author
Alison Baughman is a professional Numerologist, author, lecturer, frequent radio show guest and was the Host of “Visible By Numbers”, a weekly talk radio show about Numerology on BBS Radio. Learn more about Alison and Numerology by visiting: or

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Mine didn’t apply to me at all. So bummed.