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Heal the Top Three Health Challenges with Herbs

Heal the Top Three Health Challenges with Herbs

health challenges OMTimes

Americans are facing serious health challenges.  Here are ways to treat them naturally.

Herbs for Healing the Biggest Health Challenges Facing America

There are three huge health challenges (Heart Disease, Stroke, and Cancer) facing Americans and herbs, supplements and healthy foods can help in amazing ways.


Serious Health Challenges #1 – Heart Disease

Herbs and supplements such as red rice yeast and garlic can lower your cholesterol, omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants such as acai berry, green tea, camu camu berry, grape seeds powder, baobab fruit powder, goji berries, mahogany fruit powder, resveratrol, and can lower cholesterol, lower your triglycerides and prevent the cycle of chronic inflammation which is important for heart health. Along with exercise and a healthy diet there is no reason to end up with heart disease in this day and age. With healthy eating alone… taking in wild catch salmon and having a green salad the effects of heart disease can be moved in the direction of reversing clogged arteries thus leading to a vital happy life.


Serious Health Challenges #2 – Stroke

Herbs and supplements can also help with strokes including milk thistle that contains silymarin which is a very powerful anti-ischemic and also a great anti-inflammatory agent that can help prevent strokes. Hawthorn berries, gingko biloba, ginseng, pomegranate juice, ginger, grape seed extract and green juicing, mullein leaf, guto kola, goldenseal, butcher’s broom and other herbs can help with circulation. Plus horsetail, alfalfa, comfrey and other herbs can help with vessel integrity. And again adding in exercise to lower blood pressure, and all the herbs and supplements above for heart disease for lowering cholesterol, and eating right especially green leafy veggies and lowering fat intake… helps to lower the risk of stroke.


Serious Health Challenges #3 – Cancer

Herbs, supplements, and food are very important for preventing cancer in so many ways. The more antioxidant foods, herbs, and supplements that you have in your diet the more you lower your risk of coming down with cancer. Antioxidants bind with free radicals that are responsible for cancer risk and also helps break the cycle of chronic inflammation that is also important for preventing cancer. Green tea, acai berry, camu camu berry, red clover, echinacea, ginseng, cat’s claw, cononopsis, astragalus, shitake mushrooms, reishi and maitake mushrooms and chlorella and spirulina are all important for helping to prevent cancer. Cleansing your liver with milk thistle and dandelion root are important… and also doing some chelation therapy to remove heavy metals from your body. Of course eating healthy with lots of green veggies and green juicing, exercise, and weight loss are all important for preventing cancer. Also taking a good quality vitamin complex is important… a new study shows that people who take vitamins cut their chances of coming down with cancer by 50%– Wow! Also, take a look at the book “The Gerson Therapy” by Dr. Max Gerson that did amazing work on preventing and curing cancer and just about every other disease.

See Also
Karma Clearing Reiki

For all three of these challenges drinking clean and vital water which is full of chi energy that trickles down from a mountain stream is very important. All three of these challenges can also be helped by learning Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, playing music, learning self-hypnosis, and learning to relax and de-stress and move chi into the meridians of the body. All of these disease processes are connected stress and lack of chi, so it’s very important to de-stress your mind/body and spirit and fill yourself from within.


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About the Author

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at – feel free to contact him anytime.

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