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Light More Light!

Light More Light!

Diwali 2012 is celebrated for 5 days beginning November 13th.

In India, we celebrate an annual Festival called Diwali, which is the Celebration of Light. But most of those who celebrate this festival spend all their means to purchase lights to illuminate the world outside them. Fortunate are those who dive deep into the inner world to see the true Festival of Light within.

The lights of the outside world are man-made, hence, extinguishable. But the flame or the light of consciousness is self-effulgent and it is eternal. We don’t have to light it, but we have to move towards it to see that it is perpetually there, aglow.

The sages say, “Those who have seen that Light beyond all darkness, become the embodiment of the light of Wisdom, of transcendental bliss.” We are born of light; we are the light to light the darkness around.

Remembrance of this essence is the true celebration of Diwali, the celebration of light.

Divine Light is not the light of the external world. It is the light of your inner world, the halo of your spirit, the light of your existential reality. Humans all over the world are seekers of this light. No one loves to live in dungeons.

When the mind is obsessed with negative thoughts and emotions you are caught in the whirlpool of dark forces. Fear possesses you, anxieties torture you, you are most uneasy. When the light of your inner spirit delights you, the grace of the divine descends upon you, you feel lit up from within and the world outside appears joyful and shining. As such, you usually see the world through a fault-finding mind. See the world instead through the light of your spirit and the world appears to be flawless, exquisite and ethereal. You will see colors galore!

The light of the spirit empowers your eyes to turn from without to within, from the objective world of mirage and myths to the subjective world of divine illumination, ecstatic celebration. When you are reading these lines don’t you feel a sense of calm and happiness? We’re talking of light and that’s the reason you’re lit up! Where there is light, the evil forces of the ego cannot work upon you, the hostile forces cannot grip you. Negative forces cannot reach you. You are in the safe zone of Divine Light.

So how does living in a safe zone of Divine Light impact your day-to-day relationships? As you grow in consciousness and as your attitude to life is gradually transformed into glowing positivity, you will feel that you are empowered even while you’re in the company of negative people, and their negativity cannot influence you. On the other hand, your presence in the midst of such people can induce positivity in them. They can’t remain unaffected by your bright energy! Keep in mind, that whatever may be the external situation, either within your own family or at work, if your consciousness is not open to the Positive Light of the Divine, which is the Ground of Infinite Possibilities, you will not be able to see the Light at the end of the tunnel.

Seeing the Light at the end of the tunnel may not happen overnight, but as you persevere in your own attitudinal transformation and while you are moving yourself into the positive light, you will be in the midst of both positive and negative people. Do not run away from the negative people; instead face them and induce in them the liking for things that are entertainingly positive.

Apart from that, if you are not in the midst of negative people how will you know that you are growing into positive light? After all, being positive amidst positive people is not a big deal! The real challenge is to maintain positivity in the midst of people who are negative. You need to test the strength of your positivity to see if it’s real or just a momentary bout of ecstasy. The experience of my life is that love wins every negative situation. Love is the invincible power before which no evil dark force can stand for long. Love is Truth for it always wins.

Again, the mind set is most important; in the midst of the darkness all around, know that your Soul is all Light, and that it has infinite power to pull you out of any mess. Just trust your Soul Power, your Mind Power and never give up!! Meditate upon your eternally free Soul, and let the mind dwell on the Light of your inner spirit and you will gradually move from your lower self to your higher Self.

See Also

Explore the sun within you, the astral glory of the galaxy within you.

This true understanding of the radiating cosmic bliss within you brings with it the light of awareness, and in this light you will see the pathless path! That is the only WAY to see the Light and Love, for Light and Love are ultimate positivism. Have faith in your Self and say YES, I Love Light!

Goethe, the German poet, even in his last few hours, couldn’t help saying “Light! More Light.” Go on your journey to enlighten yourself! Bon Voyage.

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