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Living A Synergistic Life

Living A Synergistic Life

By Vedam Clementi

Synergy: when two parts cooperate, or work cohesively together, to produce a result that is greater than the individual efforts combined.

To be the change you wish to see in the world, as well as in yourself, there must be a synergy between your thoughts, belief systems, actions, and being. There has to be a synergy between your doing and non-doing, between the conditioned self and the soul that exemplifies peace, acceptance, compassion, and love.

Each of you has been conditioned. You have been taught how to think, how to judge what is right and wrong, and how to look at life. You have been taught about limitations, and the illusion of needs. You have been taught about superiority and inferiority, what is success, and the belief in failure. I am sorry you have been taught this, and I am sorry that you have to move beyond this to truly live as a spiritual being having a spiritual experience while muddling through the maya of life. I am sorry, but let’s not focus on “how the mule got in the ditch;” let’s begin to get him out!

Your soul knows Oneness. Your soul knows compassion with strength. You soul knows non-enabling empathy. You soul knows acceptance, and love, for it is those things; it lives in those truths. Now we have to move beyond our conditioned thought patterns, our conditioned belief systems, basically everything about the conditioned thinking mind, to be able to live in and express our true nature.

Yes, it is a journey, a process. A process that not only each individual will experience, but also humanity in general. I believe that every human being has the capacity, and will eventually wake up. And in the meantime, here are some thoughts and insights to help you live a synergistic life.

  1. First, understand, every human being is a conditioned being, and that conditioned being is in control until Self Awareness occurs. This means the conditioned, thinking mind is in charge, and sadly, the conditioned, thinking mind is the mind that has been taught how to judge, and what to judge. Judgment of any kind is not part of the ‘Absolute You,’ and it goes against your true nature. Before Self Awareness, many believe they are their thoughts; they believe they are their bodies. Before Awareness, they believe that the human “them” is the real “them.” Before Awareness, they may even believe there is a soul, an aspect, or a invisible part of them, that really does not get to express itself until death. Before Self Awareness, there is division, and it is this division (and the beliefs that come with it) that happen to be the culprits for every problem we face today. Think about this: it is division or separation that creates a ‘me versus them’ mentality. There is no ‘me,’ and there is no ‘them.’
  2. Begin to see the ramblings of the conditioned thinking mind for what they are. They are taught patterns created because of your conditionings, and now, many of those ramblings are nothing more than old habits. Habits that are not helpful and in many situations harmful to your well-being, not only mentally, but also emotionally and physically. Habits that can either be broken or changed through Self Awareness, or a choice to be different.
  3. Begin to use the mind purposefully, intentionally, and consciously, and leave the other ramblings of the mind alone. Choose to live each moment with purpose. Choose to live each moment with intention. Choose to be more than what you have been taught. Choose to not participate with the mind as the mind habitually begins to judge (yourself and others). Choose to leave the past behind (yours and others), and begin to live in the only moment that counts: this moment of NOW!
  4. Remove yourself from situations, places and groups that keep the judgment alive, and keep you in a place of separation, segregation, and judgment. This may include family, friends, and/or even your political affiliation or religion. If anyone, even your religion, is keeping you tied to the illusions of life such as need, conditionality, failure, or superiority, etc., remove yourself from them. However, as you are leaving, do not leave judging them, or thinking of yourself as being better for leaving. Just simply “Namaste” them, and leave.
  5. Meditate daily, and begin to live meditatively. A meditation practice that shows you how to observe the mind rather than participate with the mind will support you in ways that you could not or would not imagine. This also coincides with #2. As you begin to learn to observe the mind during meditation, it will be easier to do so as you are moving through life. Living meditatively simply means to be present in each moment, and honor each moment as it arises. Living meditatively also means that you see each moment as sacred, and in turn you treat each moment as sacred; one that cannot be recreated and shouldn’t be missed.
  6. Be here now, and treat each living thing as a sacred being, even if you believe they are not acting as such in the moment. Each living thing is ultimately an expression of God. They too are conditioned beings, and they may not know their Godliness yet. They still may be in the throes of their conditionings, or in the process of moving beyond those conditionings. They are in the process of awakening as well. They could also be awakened ones that are not ‘acting awake’ just for the purpose of helping you awaken.
  7. Train your mind to be based in Oneness. Train your mind to be compassionate, understanding, accepting, kind, forgiving, and loving. Train your mind to live in abundance through thanksgiving. Train your mind to look for the Godliness in everyone and everything. Training your mind sometimes means not participating with old thought patterns any longer. Sometimes it means looking graciously at the life you have now, and being thankful in the moment, and sometimes it means choosing to be different than you have in the past. There are many ways to train the mind, but realize this: if the human mind functions the way it does because it has been taught to, it can also be retrained to be a different way.

To be the change you want to see takes effort, and conscious actions being the change you wish to see. Are you being part of the synergy of life, or are you just talking about it? Is there synergy inside of you?

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Vedam Clementi is a Spiritual Teacher, Life Coach, Meditation Coach, Author, and Lecturer. A full recovery from paralysis using spiritual concepts, meditation, and natural healthcare led to Vedam’s spiritual awakening and desire to share what he has learned. Vedam has taught fellow souls for over a decade to leave the past behind, plant seeds for their desired tomorrow, and to be present in each moment as they move through life. Vedam has a unique way of uniting psychological and spiritual tools that support the individual to relate to themselves, others, and life in a new way: openly, lovingly, and authentically.

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