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November Oracle- Change

November Oracle- Change

By Darity Wesley

CHANGE  –    The energies and directions for the month of November are evolving around the feelings and experiences of change. Have you noticed?  They are everywhere, all the time!  It is not just that change is happening to this planet, I think we are all noticing that, but what is being shared here is, it is also how you look at or view the changes in your life, how or if you resist those changes, and how or if you can or do incorporate the consciousness that change is the only constant and, really, nothing ever remains the same…if so, read on…

The Webster’s Dictionary definition of “change” is to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc. of something different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone. There is certainly planned change, changes you decide you want to make.  Even those changes tend to cause emotional and psychological impacts you have to deal with but it seems, generally speaking, that humans instinctively want to avoid change.  It is very safe to be in your comfort zones where everything is known, no shake-ups, no interruptions to your schedule or life but there is not much personal or spiritual growth with staying safe or staying put, hiding away.  Heraclitus (540-480 B.C.E.) said “Nothing endures but change.” And he noticed that a long, long time ago.

When talking about how you look at or view change, here are a few examples:  It is said that change to the fearful is threatening because it means things could get worse.  Now, you know people like this, you may even be one, but it is a pattern of thinking to see things from the negative perspective, a learned pattern, part of duality and those wishing to grow in consciousness are working to break away from.  It is also said that change to the hopeful is encouraging because it means things could get better.  Again, the positive perspective, the other part of the duality within which we presently exist, again, worth breaking away from for a more practical, wholistic approach that to the confident, conscious person, change is inspiring because the challenge or opportunity presented by the change allows one to grow personally, emotionally or spiritually, or to be of service to another person or persons, or to make things better.  A different approach to change.

My personal experience with this was the death of my mother.  Now, I am truly a hopeful person, but there was no way that situation was going to get better for me emotionally, but I found the opportunity to be able to be of service to my mother through her deathing process and the gift she gave me in return spiritually, emotionally and personally helped me with one of the deepest most uncomfortable changes in my life.  There are the day to day changes and then there are the big ones and your ability to release resistance to what is, whether large or small, absolutely reduces the stress on your mind, your body and your spirit…and you grow.

Every human being knows about change, but not everyone is conscious enough to understand you can handle it.  I like what Meryl Streep said “There is change and your resistance to it and more change…”  and that’s your focus for this month of November.  It is time to change your thoughts about change so you can change your world.

Change, when lived as a spiritual process, as intended by this Oracle, provides the opportunity for spiritual transformation.  November is your timeframe.  Your reaction to change, no matter how big or how small always has something to show you about yourself, your belief structures and ways of looking at the world.  If you let it, change awakens you to the sacred process that it is. Shifting your consciousness to realize that change is a sacred process gives a different feeling or understanding about change, eh?  It is good when thinking about the impact of change on your life to realize that chance and change are two different things.  Chance is purely random movement of energy.  Change continually offers you insight and the ability to accept what is in front of you, what is happening and how it is happening and can bring you closer and closer to God, Spirit, your angels, guides and non-physical connections.  Remember that whatever changes come to you can present a significant opportunity for spiritual growth.  It is important that this month you realize, as never before, that spiritual value rests with all your experiences, even those that are most painful.  So many are suffering, Buddha said “Everyone is suffering in some way…” and your growth and reactions to change are helpful and can be of great service to friends, family, loved ones, colleagues who are still living in fear.

What this is about is being who you are, living your life in the flow of Spirit with divine guidance.  Whether you are aware of it or not, others are constantly watching your reactions, how you handle things, what you say, how you are saying it, what is different about you – as you be the best you, your authentic true self emerging as you are stepping into your new true life, others are sustained and supported in their attempts by your willingness to change and grow

So, this month of November is a month to think about the changes you see taking shape in your life and on our planet.  There is so much change afoot.  Bring the power of Divine Love to each and every change at a personal, professional or planetary level. Bless it!!!  Love it!!!  In that process you will incorporate the results into the True, Authentic you. In this state, you will continue to see to the depths and receive the immutable truths of life which will support you in your endeavors.

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Bring light and clarity to all that is going on with you by releasing as much resistance as possible to everything that is changing around you over this month. I constantly remind myself “Do Not Resist What Is” and that is usually something that is changing.  By paying attention to the changes, you will find more comfort and support within your spiritual energies which will, indeed, truly ground you further in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what so remember…love is all you need…it will propel you more and more into the expansion of who you really are!

Let your mantra for the month of November be:  I AM paying attention to and honoring all the changes in my life…And So It Is!!!

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Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at  If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2012 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved. 

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