Phil Cousineau In Search of the Soul of the World
How does “The Painted Word” differ from your first “wordy” book “Wordcatcher”?
This book differs from Wordcatcher in the choice of so many literally colorful words, but also the conscious act of using color in the descriptions and stories themselves.
Do you like slang words?
I love the slang words, such as “smirt,” the act of smoking and flirting outside public buildings. We should include them and let nature take its course—some will take hold, some will fall away, just as thousands are dropped as “obscure” in current dictionaries.
Tell us about English loanwords.
Yes, much of English consists of loanwords—which accentuates the universality of the language. It is also a way to combat the slim notion of American Exceptionalism. Our very language reveals how dependent we are on other cultures, and how ours is improved and made more “colorful” because of the presents of hundreds of other cultures.
How can a book like this help average person?
First, as opposed to places like Ireland and France, where colorful language is encouraged and admired, most Americans have since the inception of this country been suspicious of any words that sound too “hifalutin” (see book), as if it’s a reminder of the bourgeoisie Europe we left behind. So we have become voyeurs of brilliant word usage, loving it in our songs and plays and movies and books, but disdaining it, generally, in conversation. This book says: Be colorful, be enthusiastic.
Word!!! Phil
Do you know what the 1 millionth word that was added to the English language was? Believe it or not, the word was Web 2.0 – The term refers to the second, more social generation of the Internet.
The Painted Word Quiz (see end of article for answers)
1. A word that misleads readers either intentionally, through legalese or unintentionally through confusion.
a. farrago
b. kitsch
c. bafflegab
2. To speak verbosely, to discourse in a pompous, empty, pretentious, or boastful manner.
a. sesquipedalian
b. bloviate
c. faffle
3. The state or condition to be able to receive honor.
a. honorificabilitudinitatibus
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