Soul Essence with Maggie Chula and Avianna Castro

Friday January 18th, 10PM, ET
Maggie and Avianna are opening up the phone lines tonight and will share Soul Essence with their viewers. If you have any questions about your life or what is happening in your world and you would like some guidance and clarity call in and let them help you with some divinely guided wisdom. Both Maggie and Avianna are committed in their work to helping bring peace, clarity and understanding to the many issues that bother us each and every day.
Join Maggie and Avianna each week as they explore different techniques and healing processes designed to help you expand your awareness and understanding of who you are as a spiritual being growing within this physical journey. Each week there will be time allocated to answer questions you may have about your own soul journey, how to overcome obstacles and to create a conscious connection within your life.

Friday’s at 10pm EST on CBS NewSky Radio.
Click here to listen Live
Put Maggie and Avianna’s psychic abilities to work for you? Have questions about your love life? Career opportunities? You have questions, Maggie and Avianna have answers.
Phone lines will be open, Call (248) 545-7685 to get your immediate psychic reading.

Maggie Chula:I am a spiritual counselor who is also a psychic, energy healer, and channel for the Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, and all the vibrations that dwell within the Akashic Vibration. My ability to see, feel and hear many levels of non physical “beings” has always been with me. My favorite playmates where the many angels that came and sang with me when I was too sick or weak to get out and play with other children. My natural gifts have been enhanced by a lifetime of study on Metaphysical knowledge, Quantum Physics and Subtle Energy Physics. I enjoy learning what the human mind has been able to perceive about the Spiritual and Energy realm while respecting the knowledge that is shared with me by my non physical friends and teachers.

OMTimes Magazine
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