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Soul Essence with Maggie Chula and Avianna Castro

Soul Essence with Maggie Chula and Avianna Castro


Soul Essence Welcomes Molly Friedenfeld and Violet Wisdom Radio

Molly is the Violet Wisdom Inspiration Radio show creator and host.  She uses her intuition and channeled information from her Heavenly Guides and Angels to assist people in illuminating the different options to find their Life Purpose Path – (Goals/contract(s) their soul agreed to fulfill for this lifetime).

Molly teaches the principles of “living in the truth” and assists others to find their way back to the truth and essence of their soul which is LOVE.  Once we live with truth, integrity, peace and love as our foundation the clues to reveal our purpose for this lifetime become like flashing billboard signs – but you must make the CHOICE to live in the TRUTH.  Those who seek truth will find their new life.

Molly has also recently completed a book about many of the things that are discussed  on the Violet Wisdom Inspiration Radio Show. She has also created the Violet Wisdom Inspiration Radio YouTube page which features movies of many concepts in the upcoming book. Project Truth and Project Wisdom available now on YouTube .


Friday’s at 10pm EST on CBS NewSky Radio.

Click here to listen Live 



See Also

Join Maggie and Avianna each week as they explore different techniques and healing processes designed to help you expand your awareness and understanding of who you are as a spiritual being growing within this physical journey. Each week there will be time allocated to answer questions you may have about your own soul journey, how to overcome obstacles and to create a conscious connection within your life.


avianna-castroAvianna Castro: I was aware that I was different at a very young age, being able to be guided almost as if I were on auto-pilot seemed to be a theme throughout my life.  Knowing things that I shouldn’t seemed effortless, but being different was much more challenging.  I kept my gift and experiences quiet because sharing them with others seemed next to impossible.  Finally there came a time in my life when I couldn’t suppress the information any longer and I needed to share my gifts by helping others bridge the gap between dimensions.  I am a psychic medium, clairvoyant, educator and healer who channels information that is given to me through visions, almost as if I see a movie being played out in front of me.

maggie-chulaMaggie Chula: I am a spiritual counselor who is also a psychic, energy healer, and channel for the Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, and all the vibrations that dwell within the Akashic Vibration. My ability to see, feel and hear many levels of non physical “beings” has always been with me. My favorite playmates where the many angels that came and sang with me when I was too sick or weak to get out and play with other children. My natural gifts have been enhanced by a lifetime of study on Metaphysical knowledge, Quantum Physics and Subtle Energy Physics. I enjoy learning what the human mind has been able to perceive about the Spiritual and Energy realm while respecting the knowledge that is shared with me by my non physical friends and teachers.
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