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The Relaxed Soul: All Beings Are One

The Relaxed Soul: All Beings Are One

By Dr Paul HaiderRelaxed-Soul

If you think of St. Francis of Assisi and all the wonderful miracles that he did in his life and the animals that would flock to him and stay with him because of his peace, it is no wonder that we are connected in powerful ways to animals. Animals sense who we are deep down inside. Even now people have dogs show up on their door steps for no reason, will not go way even when it starts to rain and snow, because they know there is a loving soul within.

Even Hildegard Von Bingen a powerful visionary catholic sister, and amazing herbalist who regarded animals as blessings from God, and had many visions that related to their spiritual process here on earth. And so it is that man must come to understand that every being on this blue and green globe is connected in ways that most people don’t understand.

The Native American’s, the Aborigines, the tribal people of New Guinea and others understand that spirit is all around us, and that everything is a part of the Great Spirit. In native cultures there is reverence for the natural world, and more understanding of the spiritual consequences of disregarding the animal kingdom, plus more heart felt emotion connected to every living creature.

And if you look at our bodies we too are part of that animal kingdom, we are flesh and blood, and we we spirit, and we too have great intelligence too. Yet that is where it all goes awry… for we start to think too much, and thinking leads to doubts, and those doubts lead to a lack of heart felt feelings of connection to the Earth, the Universe, God, the Tao, and the essence of the Cosmos.

See Also

Time for us to awaken to the spirit of the natural world.

Dr. Paul Haider is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development & Herbal Medicine. He’s the author of many books, having created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on radio shows and television. His books “Relax into Success” and “21 Ways to Live a Stress Free Life in Only 21 Days” have sold countless copies.

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