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The Relaxed Soul: We Are The Love

The Relaxed Soul: We Are The Love

The Relaxed Soul: We Are The Love

By Dr Paul HaiderRelaxed-Soul

In Near Death Experience we are encompassed in love, bliss, peace, and light. We become the love, the bliss, and the peace. People don’t come back from NDE’s talking about religion… they talk about the love. For in the end we become the love… and thus we are the love.

About the Author

Dr. Paul Haider is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of many books, having created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on radio shows and television. His books “Relax into Success” and “21 Ways to Live a Stress Free Life in Only 21 Days” have sold countless copies.

See Also
Maitreya OMTimes

To learn more about Dr Paul Haider, visit

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