Today’s Solar Eclipse Brings Transformation
by Kelli Fox, The Astrologer
Solar Eclipses are always transformative. But today’s should be especially so given that it’s a New Moon in provocative Scorpio. Solar Eclipses usher in opportunities for new phases to take root in our lives. Since it’s in Scorpio, it activates themes such as intimacy, emotional honesty, power, and finances.
It’s a good time to release something you’ve been holding onto in these areas of your life. Make space for something new to grow. Use Mercury’s alignment with imaginative Neptune to tune into your intuition and sense what you need to release. Watch for a heightened desire to want to escape.
The Sun is at 21 degrees Scorpio, the Moon is in Scorpio, Mercury is in Sagittarius, Venus is in Libra and Mars is in Sagittarius. With this combination of planetary energies try to: Volunteer to help a friend to plan a wedding party. Try not to: Make excuses for the ugly personality behind the gorgeous face.
Today’s exact aspects and their keywords are:
Moon Conjunct Sun: New Beginnings.
Mercury Square Neptune: Don’t Sign on the Dotted Line.
Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus are retrograde.
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