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Crystal Healing for Headache and Anxiety Relief

Crystal Healing for Headache and Anxiety Relief

By Cindy Morris

The other night I watched the magnificent Starseed, Jane Fonda, at age 70 something in her latest film – Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding. Jane plays the hippie mom living in Woodstock (of course!). I was amazed at her radiance and ethereal beauty, laugh lines and all! Her estranged, uptight lawyer daughter (played by Catherine Keener) comes to Jane’s chicken-filled farmette, in the middle of a divorce. You know the story: revelation, reconciliation, and so wonderful with such a fabulous cast – Jane as perfect playing Priestess/Goddess wise woman as she was as Barbarella.

The scene I loved best (and which elicited a squeal of delight from me!) was when she was doing a crystal healing on her grandson who was having a headache. YAY! at last! Crystal healing in a mainstream movie

Crystals can be programmed for healing. Headaches and anxiety are very common ailments during these Ascension times as our physical bodies are adjusting to new, higher frequencies entering our 3D reality – frequency upgrades. Program your clear quartz crystals to align  the dense frequency of your physical body with the new, higher vibration energies. Of course you must remember to ground yourself first.

Learn to ground yourself easily and efficiently with John Corsa’s Reclaim Your Intuition Audio course and now available companion book, Reclaim Your Intuition: Ignite Your Soul Potential.

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Cindy Morris is a practicing astrologer and writer for over 30 years. She is the author of “Priestess Entrepreneur: Success is an Inside Job” and numerous short memoir stories. Cindy has a Masters in Social Work, has run a successful flower shop, was raised in the Bronx and now lives in Boulder, CO where she collaborates with intuitive healer and crystologist, John Corsa in their Ignite Your Soul Potential transformational work.

Learn more about Cindy by visiting:

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